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tion of this Tangier difficulty. Myers and Tunstall had embarked, as has been stated, under the French flag, and I wrote to Mr. Slidell in Paris, requesting him to call the attention of the French Government to this fact. Having received from him in reply a note informing me that he had done so, I wrote him again as follows:— I have had the honor to receive your note of the 8th of March, informing me that you had referred the subject of the capture of Messrs. Myers and Tunstall to Mons. Thouvenal, the French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, but that the impression prevailed in Paris that those gentlemen had been liberated. With regard to the latter fact, you will, of course, have been undeceived before this. The prisoners will probably be in Fort Warren, before this reaches you. The French Consul-General at Tangier must have kept his Government badly informed on the subject, since the latter supposed, as late as the 8th inst., that the prisoners had been liberated.
Berlin, that the Russian ambassador at Turin had been recalled, and that the Sardinian ambassador at St. Petersburg had received his passports. It was stated that 1,400 Piedmontese troops had already reached Naples by sea. After Victor Emanuel reviews them, they will march to Caserta to be joined by those entering by the Roman frontier. The abolition of the Hanover Stadt dues is on the eve of settlement. The sums to be paid Havana is 460,000. England and Hambourg pay £153,000 each, and the remainder by the other States Interested. Count Persigny, the French Minister at London, had been recalled to Paris, and it was reported that he would succeed Thouvenal in the Cabinet. The French bishops and clergy continue a vigorous defence of the Papal cause. It was believed that the Pope's Nuncio at Paris would not return. Another attack of the royal troops near Capua had been repulsed by Garibaldi. Count Mari, the Sicilian representative at Turin, had resigned.
alliance is the sheet anchor of his throne in Europe. He may desire that the Union be preserved, in order to counterbalance the maritime ascendancy of England; but this remote contingency is not to be weighed for a moment against the permanent and practical advantages of the English alliance. When the Northern press asserts that Napoleon will give the North, if necessary, active aid, they forget that he is the last man in the world to proclaim his purposes, and that in the interview of M.Thouvenal with Mr. Faulkener, the declaration was made that, whilst France would not act with precipitancy, the de facto rule was one to which she had adhered in Europe. In the only interview which Napoleon has had with Mr. Faulkner, he desired to know if his mediation in this war would be acceptable. That the North, boasting itself to number three to one of the South, should be so anxious to secure European aid besides, does not speak highly for its confidence in its own capacities. Of course,
e Government to end;" that Lincoln's Administration has no idea "of suffering a dissolution of the Union to take place any way, peaceably or forcibly." In these passages he intimates to the French Government that the Confederate States have been endeavoring to bring the Federal Government to an "end;" that they have been trying to effect "a dissolution of the Union." In fines it would be impossible to mention any public or private document in which there are as many falsehoods in as many lines as Seward's letter of instruction to Dayton. The Confederate States, at that time, had no agent at the French Court to expose the falsehoods of Seward; but it is obvious that Thouvenal did not believe him, for he said that "he thought the employment of force unwise," and that "it was the established usage to recognize de facto Governments when a proper case was made out." A few more such battles as that at Bethel Church, we are inclined to think, will make out a very "proper case" indeed.
that foreign nations, especially England, may be forced to take sides in the American quarrel. In the London money market there is a great abundance of money on the stock exchange, and the indications are of a probable continuance. Consols 92½a92½ for money; 92½ for account. Mexican stocks are quoted at 25¼a26¼ United States 5's and Illinois Central Railroad shares have advanced. France. The Gazette de France denies that a warm discussion took place between Persigny and Thouvenal on the Italian question. No difference of opinion exists. The Paris Patric says that the English Admiralty has decided upon plating the ships already built. If the experiment succeeds, England could have twenty in one year. The Admiralty has determined to execute numerous defensive works in India, China, Red Sea, and at Malta. The Times says it is evident that, even in the face of the English credit of £2,000,000 sterling, difficulty will be experienced in preventing remit<