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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cotton, John 1585-1652 (search)
n he can doe at home. Here is then an eye of God that opens a doore there, and sets him loose here, inclines his heart that way, and outlookes all difficulties. When God makes roome for us, no binding here, and an open way there, in such a case God tells them, he will appoint a place for them. Vse 2. Secondly, this may teach us in every place where God appoints us to sit downe, to acknowledge him as our Landlord. The earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof; his are our Country, our Townes, our houses; and therefore let us acknowledge him in them all. The Apostle makes this use of it amongst the Athenians, Acts 17. 26, 27. He hath appointed the times and places of our habitation; that we might seeke and grope after the Lord. There is a threefold use thaat we are to make of it, as it appeareth there; Let us seek after the Lord, why? Because if thou commest into an house thou wilt aske for the owner of it: And so if thou commest into a forreigne land, and there findest an house
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Raleigh, Sir Walter 1552- (search)
nsportations, and Navigations in that behalfe, so that none of the same persons or any of them be such as hereafter shall be restrained by us, our heires or successors. And further that the said Walter Ralegh his heires and assignes, and every of them, shall have, holde, occupie and enjoy to him, his heires and assignes, and every of them for ever, all the soyle of all such landes, territories, and Countreis, so to be discovered and possessed as aforesayd, and of all such Cities, Castles, Townes, Villages, and places in the same, with the right royalties, franchises, and jurisdictions, as well marine as other within the sayd landes, or Countreis, or the seas thereunto adjoyning, to be had, or used, with full power to dispose thereof, and of every part in fee simple or otherwise, according to the order of the lawes of England, as neere as the same conveniently may be, at his, and their wil and pleasure, to any persons then being, or that shall remaine within the allegiance of us, our
avalryCol. H. P. Mabry Promoted Brigadier-General. 4thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. James Reilly   5thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. Thos. Green Promoted Brigadier-General. 6thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. L. S. RossMay 24, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. B. Warren Stone   7thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. A. P. Bagby   Col. Wm. Steele Promoted Brigadier-General. 8thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. Thos. HarrisonNov. 18, 1862.  Col. John A. Wharton Promoted Major-General. 9thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. Nath'l TownesMay 24, 1862.  Col. W. B. Sims   10thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. C. R. EarpMarch 20, 1863.  Col. M. F. Locke   11thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. J. C. Burks   12thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. W. H. ParsonsOct. 28, 1861.Acting Brigadier-General. 13thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. J. H. BurnettMarch 1, 1862.  14thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. J. L. CampMay 8, 1862.  Col. M. T. Johnson   15thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. Geo. H. SweetMay 20, 1862.  16thTexasRegimentCavalryCol. Wm. Fitzhugh   1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
a., James' Island, N. C., 1864. Terrell, R. Q., Lt., Ky., Owensboro, Ky., 1865. Terrell, P. M., Va. Thompson, J. B., Lt. Col., Va., Shiloh, Tenn., 1862. Thompson, W. B., Va. Thornton, J. T., Col., Va., Sharpsburg, Md., 1862. Thurmond, J. G., Maj., Tenn., Yazoo, Miss., 186-. Tillinghast, H., Capt., Fla., Sharpsburg, Md., 1862. Towles, J. T., La., Charlottesville, Va., 1861. Towles, W. E., La., Jacksons, Fla., 1863. Toner, T. H., Lt., Va., Kernstown, Va., 1862. Townes, E. D., Maj., Ala., Travis, Tex., 1864. Triplett, W. S., Va., Richmond, Va., 1863. Tucker, H. S., Geo., Lt. Col., Va., Charlottesville, Va. 1863. Tupman, P. M., Surg. Va., Essex Co., Va. 1863. Tupper, F., Lt., Ga., Baltimore, Md., 1865. Tureaud, E., Jr., La. Turner, J. C., Lt., Ala., Manassas, Va. 1861. Tyler, L., Va., Bull Run, Va., 1861. Upshaw, G. W., Va. Van de Graaf, W. J., Ala. Vaughan. G. H., Mo. Voss, F., Md., Green River, Ky. Wade, W. M., Va., Nor
a D. Dickinson, Douglas, French, Gatewood, Greever, Hubbard, Isbell, Johnson, Layne, Logan, Lynch, Marshall, McKenney, Nash, Neal, Neeson, Newlon, Newman, Pate, Paxton, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Stuart, Henry W. Thomas, Christopher Y. Thomas, Townes and Wickham--40. Nays.--Messrs, August, Early, Finney, Pennybacker and Thompson--5. Mr. August and others, in voting against the resolutions, explained their reasons for so doing. Bills Reported.--A bill to incorporate the Valley R quota for the county of Grayson for the year 1850, the same having been forfeited; by Mr. Marshall, of refunding to Capt. John Adams $91, the expenses incurred by a company of cavalry in drilling, under his command, by order of the Colonel; by Mr. Townes, of amending the general laws of the Commonwealth regulating the issue of Bank notes on the amount of cost in their vaults, so as to equalize the powers conferred on each Bank; by the same, of reinstating an act omitted at the last session of t
, trust deeds, and other demands, in cases of refusal to receive Bank notes, was taken up on its passage. The bill was discussed by Messrs. Day, Coghill, Christian, Thomas of Henry, and finally passed by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Brannon Carson, Carraway, jr., Christian, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Dickinson of Pr. Edward, Douglass, Early, Finney, French, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, McKenney, Nash, Newlon, Newman, Paxton, Quesenberry, Richmond, Rives, Smith, Thomas of Fairfax, Townes, and Wickham.--27. Nays.--Mr. Thomas of Henry--1. The bill authorizing the pardon of the slave Tom, and to restore him to his owner, was also passed. The Senate then proceeded to the execution of the order of the day, the bill to amend the charter of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad. Mr. Carson, of Frederick, addressed the Senate in favor of the bill. Mr. Wickham moved to indefinitely postpone its further consideration, and upon this question the ayes and noes wer
homas, of Henry, moved that the rules be suspended, with the view of putting the bill on its passage, but on motion of Mr. Townes, the bill was laid on the table. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Governor, transmitt. Armstrong, Carson, Christian French, Greever, Logan, Marshall, Neeson, Newlon, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, and Townes.--13. Nays.--Messrs. Brannon, Claiborne, Coghill, Day, Early, Finney, Gatewood, Isbell, Lynch, Nash, Paxton, Smith, mond, Smith, and Taliaferro.--21. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Marshall, Neeson, Stuart, H. W. Thomas, C. Y. Thomas and Townes.--7. Resolutions, &c.--By Mr. Brannon, for incorporating a company to construct a railroad from some point on the Maong, Christian, Day, French, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshall, Neeson, Newlon, Pate, Richmond, Stuart, Thomas of Fairfax, Townes.--15. The preamble and resolutions were then adopted. Sundry bills were advanced a stage. Adjourned.
wing petitions were presented: By Mr. Coghill, petition of Geo. Woodson, and other slaves of A. S. Goodson, asking the enactment of a law authorizing their voluntary enslavement. By Mr. H. W. Thomas, petition of Celia Edmunds, asking certain relief. Mr. Carson presented sundry petitions in favor of the Strasburg connection. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. Quesenberry, of amending the charter of the Bank of Commerce, of Fredericksburg; by Mr. Townes, of amending the charter of the Bank of Danville; by Mr. Neal, to authorize Thos. Chancellor to construct a wharf on his land, on the South side of the Little Kanawha River, near its mouth. Change of Hour.--On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and at the same hour on each succeeding day until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. McKenney, it was Resolved, That the Clerk of the S
The amendment occasional a spirited debate between Messrs. Armstrong, Anoust, Thomas of Fairfax, Isbell and others. The amendment was aed by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong Caldwell, Carson, Carter, Claiborne, Day. Dickinson of Prince Edward, Early, Gatewood, Greever, Isbell, Logan, Marshall, Neal, Newman, Paxton, Richmond, Smith, Thomas of Henry--19 Nays.--Messrs. August, Brannen, Carraway, Jr., Coghill, Finney, Johnson, Lynch, Pennybacker, Thomas of Fairfax, Townes--10. Mr. Isbell offered the following, which was also adopted: "The 33d section of chapter 58 of the Code of Virginia shall be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 'Sec. 16. Any Bank authorized to carry on business as a Bank of circulation, deposit and discount, may loan money for a period not exceeding six months, and discount any bill of exchange, promissory note, or other negotiable paper, for the payment of money which will be payable within six months from the ti
elief of M. C. Hall, late Sheriff of Lewis county, and his securities; Senate bill for the relief of Webb & Adams; Senate bill for the relief of Thomas Nichols; Senate bill to authorize railroad companies to appoint police agents. On motion of Mr. August, the order of the day, the bill appropriating a sum of money to purchase certain ordnance and material of J. L. Archer, of Bellona foundry, was taken up and made the order of the day for Thursday next, at 12 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Townes, the rules were suspended; and the bill passed a few days ago for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth, was taken up, and a verbal amendment made thereto. The bill was then again passed. On motion of Mr.Armstrong. the Senate adjourned. House of delegates. Feb. 23, 1861. Speaker Critchfield called the House to order at 11 o'clock A. M. The House was informed by message from the Senate of the passage of a number of bills. Bills Reported.--The following bi