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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 4 Browse Search
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I would make the juice fly till I was satisfied, sartin. But I started to write a few paragraphs on the currency. Mr. Trenhome, I suppose, are a mity smart man, and knows how to run the money macbeen, but shorely he don't know how the last currend it's drawina intrust, and it's good for taxes durina the war, for it says so on the upper left-hand corner. Now, Mr. Trenhome, N. B., take notis. You came into offis, and then you, or Congress, or somebody, fixed up a bill which says in substaing over your cotton and grain to help us out, for we are bound to have it. Good morning, sur. That's it, exactly, Mr. Trenhome. That's the way it works me and my naburs. We can't help ourselves, but it's a hurtina us way down in our buzzums. yun are, that it is just as easy for a government to be honest as it is for a man, and it's a heap more important. If Mr. Trenhome thinks so, he'll buy Mrs. Arp a cow, and show his faith by his works. In the language of Mr. Milton: I don't want not