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John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 2 0 Browse Search
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nd despair. Three of us, however, have some experience in wedded life, and the gallant Adjutant is reasonably confident that he will obtain further knowledge on the subject if this cruel war ever comes to an end and his sweetheart survives. October, 14 The paymaster has been busy. The boys are very bitter against the sutler, realizing, for the first time, that sutler's chips cost money, and that they have wasted on jimcracks too much of their hard earnings. Conway has taken a solemn Trish oath that the sutler shall never get another cent of him. But these are like the half repentant, but resultless, mutterings of the confirmed drunkard. The new leaf proposed to be turned over is never turned. October, 16 Am told that some of the boys lost in gambling every farthing of their money half an hour after receiving it from the paymaster. An Indiana soldier threw a bombshell into the fire to-day, and three men were seriously wounded by the explosion. The writer was abs