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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Distinguished guests and residents of Medford. (search)
they need no mention. Although the family of the writer was not among Medford's first settlers, yet she is glad to claim connection with the early history of the place where the family home was established many years ago, through her relative on the paternal side, Judge Samuel Sewall of witchcraft fame. He frequently came to call upon his niece (1713, etc.), the wife of Rev. Aaron Porter, the first settled pastor of the town. One Sunday in October, 1738, among the worshipers in Rev. Mr. Turell's congregation was Gov. Jonathan Belcher. As he was one of the royal governors we may imagine he came with some show of pomp, but not enough, we hope, to distract attention from the minister and his discourse. A touch of the romantic was given our staid little town when Sir Henry Frankland and Agnes Surriage (between 1745 and 1775) came on horseback to call on the Royalls at their fine mansion, then in the height of its splendor. How little did the fair maid from Marblehead then dr
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Medford parsonage and later occupants. (search)
and now again largely used. One of its early examples in Medford was the Turell-Porter house, (See Vol. V. No. 1 Register for view). Built not long after Parson Turell's settlement, (1725) it was duplicated by the Watson house (1738-1912) in its original construction. It occupied a conspicuous position at the turn of highway er but with the same style of gambrel roof, with skylights and larger chimney. Mr. Caleb Swan filed the following away at about 1856 relative thereto. After Mr. Turell's death (1778) his house was occupied by Mr. Timothy Fitch from Nantucket, who married Mrs Plaisted a Quaker widow—he had previously owned the house of Mrs Saml his house by spinal infirmity, the last 10 or 15 years.—— Over date of Aug. 8, 1888, is added with pencil:— House of Jonathan Porter Esq built by Rev. Mr. Turell now destroyed, the land is still owned by Miss Mary Porter daughter of Jonathan Porter. J. G. Swan. Since the old house was built, have come Purchase an
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Volume II of Medford records. (search)
increased £ 5 per year until it should amount to £ 80, together with strangers' money, and in the next February they offered him £ 80 and the strangers' money to settle, but the bait didn't seem attractive. May 25, 1724, it was voted to hear Mr. Turell preach two days and Mr. Lowell preach one day, the church then to make a nomination, and the meeting was adjourned three weeks, at which time a choice was to be made, and it was voted to set apart the 15th day of June as a day of fasting and prd please to direct the affairs of that day in the choice of a minister, and to request Revs. Mr. Coleman, Brown and Appleton to assist on that day, and the meeting adjourned to meet on the evening of the fast day. The final result was that Rev. Ebenezer Turell was chosen at a salary of £ 90 per year and strangers' money, which was increased to £ 100 in September; and he continued as minister for fifty years. April 20, 1725, it was voted to build a new meeting house and then voted not to appro