Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George Turner or search for George Turner in all documents.

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ith a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be ac tion to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown. I beg to refer to the following personally Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond Dr. Thomas Latane. Arthur Temp's John bumkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr John Lewis, King William county Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginaise Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H Latane, F. Noel. Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Will ey Fogg, Geo. T, Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Sater James City county; Dr. Ro. A. Pa ne, Richmond county, Wm. E. Clopton. Ro Howle. Dr. L. C. Crump Jno S. Lacy, R. T. Lac. New Kent county; abney Parrish Louise county; Wm.