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m northwest to southeast. The first division (Tyler's) was stationed on the north side of the Warrwe having the obtuse angle on our side. General Tyler commenced with his artillery at half-past tre and up the road, whilst Keyes's brigade of Tyler's division was on the left, attacking the battat once to the high ground, and, by order of Gen. Tyler, came into line on Sherman's left. The ordes further, I was met by Lieut. Upton, aid to Gen. Tyler, and ordered to file to the right, as our trville at about 10 o'clock P. M., by order of Gen. Tyler, and arrived at Camp McDowell, six and a halght before him. Riding to the front I joined Gen. Tyler and Col. Richardson. Proceeding with them a spot shortly before this,) and presume that Gen. Tyler concurred in this opinion, as the firing soope with us. It now became necessary to have Tyler's division force the passage of the bridge. IThe commanding general promptly sent orders to Tyler to press his attack with all vigor. I had y[35 more...]
is probable that McDowell, advancing from Centreville, has met the enemy, prepared to dispute his passage. There are some stories in town to the effect that Gen. Tyler has met with a severe check on the right, but the advance of McDowell was very cautious, and he would not let his troops fall into the ambuscades against which her officer on foot, with his sword under his arm, ran up against me. What is all this about? Why, we're pretty badly whipped. We're all in retreat. There's General Tyler there, badly wounded. And on he ran. There came yet another, who said, We're beaten on all points. The whole army is in retreat. Still there was no flight oat the powers of regular troops. All his subsequent operations were vitiated by the impossibility of gaining the points fixed on for the first day's march, and Gen. Tyler, who engaged somewhat too seriously with the enemy on the left at Bull Run on the Thursday before the battle in making what was a mere reconnaissance, put them
ost of what occurred with the division under Gen. Tyler, which opened the attack, which was, with thwere apparent from the advanced positions of Gen. Tyler's action, and of these it will be possible fof artillery and one brigade — the fourth of Gen. Tyler's division — at the scene of the skirmish ofthe real attack elsewhere. The remainder of Gen. Tyler's division, his 1st, 2d, and 3d brigades, wi in flank and rear, and driving them towards Gen. Tyler, by whom their regular retreat should be cutmarch was continued until, at 5 1/2 o'clock, Gen. Tyler's division had reached the place of its attahich they had first arrayed themselves against Tyler's division, excepting one fortified elevation shed may be understood when it is known that Gen. Tyler and Gen. McDowell had actually met. Many who and Col. Hunter fled by the road over which Gen. Tyler had advanced. In the race from a fancied daas not even an attempt to cover the retreat of Tyler's division. With Heintzelman's it was better:
centre, on the Warrenton road, commanded by Gen. Tyler, consisted of the First and Second Brigades But it was after sunrise when the van of General Tyler's column came to the edge of the wooded hif an attack. After a moment's inspection, General Tyler ordered Carlisle to advance with his battell in military usage; for the second and third Tyler brigades under Schenck, were at once formed inntended point, but still no answer came, and Gen. Tyler ordered Carlisle to cease firing, and bring atal error was here made, as I thought, by General Tyler, in not ordering in a division to drive ouiscovered to be making his way on the flank, Gen. Tyler sent forward the right wing of his column toshare in the hard fighting, and led the van of Tyler's attack, followed by the Seventy-ninth (Highltly dissevered; no general of division, except Tyler, could be found. Where were our officers? Whhe left, and infantry poured out behind them. Tyler and his staff, with the reserve, were apparent[7 more...]
ation was that of my friend Wm. Smith, of Brooklyn, whom I had conveyed to the hospital. His foot was amputated. During this time Drs. Foster, Swift, and Winston, of the Eighth New York; Dr. De Grant, Dr. Griswold, Dr. Buxton, and the doctor of the Fourth Maine; Dr. Stewart, of Minnesota; Harris, of Rhode Island, and four others whose names I did not learn, one of whom, I believe, was the surgeon of the West Point battery, were attending to the wounded of their respective regiments. Private Tyler, of the West Point battery, had his thigh amputated and died that night. Cornelius, Col. Martin's servant, who was wounded while assisting the colonel to dismount, also died. Mullen, Second Rhode Island, and two of the Seventy-first, whose names I do not know, were found dead next morning. Gen. Beauregard and Col. Barker came up about 7 1/2 o'clock that evening with 150 prisoners of different regiments, most of whom were Fire Zouaves. He stopped and inquired how our wounded were ge
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 60 1/2.-Gen. Schenck's defence. (search)
Gen. Schenck, and at his side both upon and during the action, and have full knowledge, therefore, of every order given. The First Ohio Regiment were taken on a train furnished by Gen. McDowell, and pursuant to his orders. Six companies were left at different points along the line of the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad. The four remaining companies were to be stationed at Vienna. This same train had only the day before been at Vienna — not at Vienna alone, but three miles beyond — with Gen. Tyler and staff, who reported no evidence of troops in that neighborhood. It is true that some one told Gen. Schenck that some other man had heard that somebody had said that there had been 700 rebels at or near Vienna. He had no foundation on which to base even a delay of so important a move, let alone to disobey his orders. An officer, in the command of a post in the enemy's country, soon learns to appreciate wild rumors. When within a mile of the village, the train was ordered to proceed
nly there as lookers — on in Vienna. Brig. General Tyler's column, consisting of four brigades, eeded to Germantown, where the division of General Tyler was halted. It was the purpose and desirer the last three weeks the Headquarters of General Tyler. Striking the road from Georgetown to Fai County, acts as guide to the division. General Tyler's staff will spend the night at the house llage one mile west of Fairfax Court House. Gen. Tyler's orders are to take such a position as to cknown to me for several days, namely, that General Tyler's First, and Colonel Hunter's Second, Colohe First division of the grand army, under General Tyler, from Vienna to this point, although more rebel. The prisoners were brought before General Tyler, to whom they gave free information as to to getting in the rear of the enemy, while General Tyler ordered General Schenck's brigade to form llage and its immediate neighborhood, though Col. Tyler's Division holds position about half way bet[5 more...]
d by the Second Rhode Island regiment, under Gov. Sprague. The right column, which had taken the upper road, and under Col. Tyler was to enter Fairfax from the direction of Germantown, consisted of about 12,000. To the south of us were Col. Miles w, and greeted it with three hearty cheers. Just then we caught sight, at some three miles distant, of the long line of Col. Tyler's column, marching along the upper road, with its whitetopped baggage wagons in the rear, and the glorious Stars and Stds. Gen. McDowell informed us that he was concentrating four columns at Fairfax Court House--one on the right, under Gen. Tyler, of about 12,000 men, through Falls Village and Germantown; one on the left, of about 5,700 under Miles, and the left weir horses, and watching with their glasses the very dark lines on the hills about a mile to the south, which show that Gen. Tyler is approaching. Now the Rhode Island First goes by, and the New Hampshire Second, (a New Hampshire pioneer comes in an
Doc. 103.-General McDowell's despatch. Fairfax Court House, July 18, 1861. To Colonel E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General, Washington:-- The First Division, under General Tyler, is between Germantown and Centreville. The Second (Hunter's) is at this place, just about to move forward to Centreville. The Fifth (Miles') is at the crossing of the old Braddock road with the road from this to Fairfax Station, and is ordered forward to Centreville by the old Braddock road. Barry's battery has joined it. One of Colonel Heintzelman's brigades (Wilcox) is at Fairfax Station. Colonel Heintzelman and his other brigade are below the station, but he has not reported to me since we have been here, and I have not been able to communicate with him. I think they are at Sangster's Station. The four men wounded yesterday belonged to Colonel Miles' division, who had some slight skirmishing in reaching the position. Each column encountered about the same obstructions — trees felled
ed firm and determined. I now reported to Gen. Tyler that the main body of the New York regiment rought forward, comprising only a portion of Gen. Tyler's brigade, were here halted for rest, and re men ought not to have been sent against it. Gen. Tyler, formerly of the U. S. Army, is an officer on of the old Big Bethel and Vienna affairs. Gen. Tyler, however, says that it was only a reconnoissield, with trees at its rear. By this house Gen. Tyler advanced and made his observations. The ski main road, and was apparently unsupported. Gen. Tyler said: What can you do with them, Capt. Brackn; but if you say the word, I'll take them. Gen. Tyler then sent orders back for the advance of ther, where they were secluded from the enemy. Gen. Tyler returned to meet the artillery, which was rast rifle cannon was sighted by Lieut. Upton, Gen. Tyler's aid, and the shell fell plump amid the prirode through storms of shot unconcerned, and Gen. Tyler with his staff stood for an hour in the most[10 more...]