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o the business for which he was expected. We had a grand time to-day at a flag presentation. It occurred at Institute Hall-- one of the finest in America. "Virginius," and "Mrs. Virginius," were honored by a special invitation, to take the uppermost stand in the synagogue. The flag was prepared by fair hands, and presentMrs. Virginius," were honored by a special invitation, to take the uppermost stand in the synagogue. The flag was prepared by fair hands, and presented by James Tupper, Esq., for the ladies to Col. Johnson J. Pettigrew, Commander of First Regiment Rifles. It took place at 3 ½ o'clock P. M., in the presence of a large concourse of the elite of Charleston.--Mr. Tupper has a remarkably intellectual and handsome face, and speaks with great fluency and, on this occasion, he was veo, and if blood was to be shed, which God forbid, it should not be his fault, and that he yet hoped that intelligence and civilization would overcome the fanaticism of those in power, and prevent bloodshed; yet, it might come, and we must prepare, and be prepared, to meet the enemy whenever and wherever necessary. Virginius.