Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginius or search for Virginius in all documents.

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to be abused, and vilified and hated. God knows I love my native land as well as one can, but candor compels me to say, that after a residence here for many years, I have never known so generous, so noble a race of men, as these Carolinians. Virginius. Charleston, March 14, 1861. A dispatch from your city, this afternoon, says a letter received there on to-day, from a most reliable house in New York, under date of yesterday, that five war steamers were about to steam for the Sor Mount Pleasant there is another. On James' Island, at Fort Johnson, is another. I am sure it would be impossible for any number of vessels to pass these batteries. I understand that very extensive preparations are on foot to raise the largest and most effective army ever known to America, and it is now in progress, and as I said to you several times, that army will assuredly invade the enemies soil, provided you will let us pass. Do you think Virginia will let us pass? Virginius.