Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginius or search for Virginius in all documents.

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opped, the trains are stopped, and so is the telegraph, else I would have given you the news at the first fire. "The Lord reigns, let the people tremble." Virginius. Charleston, April 13, 1861. The proudest day of my life. Too excited, too stated to write you any other than hastily and, I fear, incoherently. igfall being bearer of dispatches. An unconditional surrender is the result. Another boat has gone down, and I will keep this letter open for the result. Virginius. Later.--Major Anderson surrenders unconditionally, and respectfully requests that he and his men, such as choose, be delivered to one of the war steamwar steamers are for a blockade. We don't doubt it, but we shall try by some means to get clear of them, too. Our Southern Congress meets here on Friday next. Gen. Beauregard and about one hundred of the members of the late Convention, and his officers, are now in secret session. Great events hang upon them. Virginius.