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Your search returned 33 results in 17 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sudden death. (search)
--The store of Mr. I. H. Walke was broken into on Sunday night, and articles were scattered about, but probably the thief was frightened away before he had time to carry off any booty.
Servants for Hire
--One superior Chambermaid, Nurse and plain Scamstress; one girl about 18 years old, accustomed to house service, washing, &c., and one small Girl and one Boy, from 10 to 11 years old, very suitable for house service.
Apply to
I. H. Walke, Main st.
de 30--ts
The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource], Bishop Hughes in favor of the Confederate States . (search)
Servants for Hire
--One superior Chambermaid.
Nurse and plain Scamrsas; one girl about 18 years old, accustomed to house service, washing, &c., and one small Girl and one Boy, from 10 to 11 years old, very suitable for (house service. Apply to I. H. Walke, Main st. de 30--ts
For Hire
--A very sprightly and trusty Boy, about 11 years old; Very suitable for House service, &c. I. H. Walke, Main st. ja 14--ts
For hire
--For the remainder of the year, a very capable and sprightly Girl, about 11 or 12 years old, accustomed to house service.
Apply at my store, Main street.
jy 2--ts I. H. Walke.
The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Temperance men (search)
For hire.
--Two cook women, without encumbrance; three chambermaids; one superior washerwoman; four small girls, from 10 to 14 years old, accustomed to house service; one sprightly boy, 13 years old These servants are of good character.
Apply to me at I. H. Walke's store, Main street. Ed. M. Morgan. N. B.--Also, two factory hands, and one valuable man, accustomed to general service. E. M. M. ja 1--3t*
The Daily Dispatch: September 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], Runaway in Jail. (search)
For Hire, a Girl
about twelve years old, accustomed to house service.
Apply at I. H. Walke's store, Main street.
se 21--3t
For Hire, a Girl, about twelve years old, accustomed to house service.
Apply at I. H. Walke's store, Main street.
se 21--3t
For Hire.
--A superior Chambermaid (she is also an excellent Nurse) for hire for the remainder of the year.
Apply at I. H. Walke's store, Main street. Ed, M. Morgan. se 29--3t
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], House servants for Hire. (search)
For Hire, two Servant Boys, about twenty years of age; very suitable for officers or house service.
They are just from the country.
Apply to I. H. Walke, Main street. de 21--3t*