Browsing named entities in Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order. You can also browse the collection for John W. Webster or search for John W. Webster in all documents.

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for arson, Mar. 16, 1836 Washington Goode, in rear of jail, for murder, May 25, 1849 John W. Webster, rear of jail, Parkman murder, Aug. 30, 1850 Charles L. Cater to be, for murder, died inpt by D. N. Burley, 1835 Washington Coffee, 158 Washington street, kept by J. Smith, 1836 Webster, 382 Hanover street, kept by Simpson & Martin, 1855 Western, on Mill Dam, kept by J. Bigelowhomas Harding, by Washington Goode, in Richmond street, June 28, 1848 George Parkman, by John W. Webster, in Grove street, Nov. 23, 1849 Charles Smith, by James McNulty, in Merrimac street, Maytrian, placed in Public Garden, July 3, 1869 Warren, placed on Bunker Hill, June 17, 1857 Webster, placed front of State House, Sep. 17, 1859 Winthrop, placed in Scollay's square, Sep. 17, 11799 By Mrs. Pelby, at Phillips' Hall, May, 1846 To be seen at the Boston Museum, 1880 Webster, Daniel great reception and dinner at Faneuil Hall, July 24, 1838 Presented with a silver
ey Acre,) 1777 North Russell to Bridge, to No. Grove; See Parkman street, Vine street, 1806 Beacon to Olive; East part Coventry, 1733, Walnut street, 1799 Washington to Elliot; Warren st,, 1795, Warrenton street, 1868 Temple place to Mason; built over, (Wash'n Gardens,) 1810 Roxbury to fortifications; many additions, 1824, Haymarket square to Dedham, 1879, Washington street, 1788 Cornhill to the Wharves, 1826, Water street, 1708 Cornhill to Savage's or Williams' court, (Webster's Arch,) 1732 From Custom House street to Wharf st., Well street, 1808 Wendell lane, 1796; Halfmoon place, extended 1870, Wendell street, 1824 South of Cambridge street, near Charles river; built over, (West Hill,) 1722 From Newbury street to the Common, West street, 1708 From Broad to India street, Wharf street, 1808 No. Bennet to Tileston; Short lane, 1796; Short street, 1849, Wiggin street, 1878 Cornhill, west; Savage's court, 1732, Williams court, 1788 Newbury to
riloquism, 162 Vicksburg Capture, 162 Velocipedes, 162 W. Wages, 162 Walking Matches, 162 War, 162, 163 Ward, Mr 163 Wards, 163, 164 Washington, George 164 Watch, 164 to 166 Watch Boxes, 166 Watch Captains, 166 Watch Constables, 166 Watch Hooks, 166 Watch Houses, 166 to 168 Watts, Dr. 168 Water Aqueduct, 168 Water Bailie, 168 Water Course, 168 Water Projects, 168 Water Works, 168, 169 Water Registrars, 169 Wax Figures, 169 Webster, Daniel 169 Webster, Edward, Col. 169 Webster, Fletcher 169 Webster, John W 169 Webster Garden, 170 Wells, John 170 Wells, John D., Col 170 Weston, Pedestrian 170 West Point Cadets, 170 Weights and Measures, 170 West Street Gate, 170 Whipped, 170, 171 Whipping-Post, 171 Whig and Tory, 171 Whitefield, Rev. George 171 Widows, 171 Wilkes, Commodore 171 Wild Geese, 171 Wilson, John, Rev. 171 Window Glass, 171 Wine, 171 Witchcraft, 172