Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wheat or search for Wheat in all documents.

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Northern Markets. Baltimore, Nov. 22. --Flour unsettled, and an advance of 12 asked — Howard Street and Ohio $5--no buyers. Wheat firm — red $1.10@$1.18; white $1.15@$1.45. Corn firm — white and yellow Provisions dull at nominal rates. Coffee quiet and steady at 14@14 ¾. Whiskey dull at 19 ½ @20. New York, Nov. 22.--Stocks better — New York Centrals 74 ¾ Government 5's 97. Cotton irregular — uplands middling 11 ¼@11 ¾c. Flour firm — Southern $5.25@5.60. Wheat 1@2 higher. Cyers. Wheat firm — red $1.10@$1.18; white $1.15@$1.45. Corn firm — white and yellow Provisions dull at nominal rates. Coffee quiet and steady at 14@14 ¾. Whiskey dull at 19 ½ @20. New York, Nov. 22.--Stocks better — New York Centrals 74 ¾ Government 5's 97. Cotton irregular — uplands middling 11 ¼@11 ¾c. Flour firm — Southern $5.25@5.60. Wheat 1@2 higher. Corn firm and unchanged. Pork firm — mess $16.50; prime $10.50. Lard dull--11 ¾@12 ¼c. Whisk
Commercial. Richmond Markets, November 22. There is not much change in quotations this week. Wheat is a shade lower. Breadstuffs generally are dull. Refined Sugars are a fraction lower. The market is dull, and enterprise generally depressed. The Banks in this city suspended specie payments on Tuesday and Wednesday. The other Banks of the State will no doubt follow suit. The Marine Bank in Baltimore suspended yesterday, and it is conjectured the other Banks in Baltimore will follow suit. The suspension by the Banks will afford much relief to the commercial public now suffering from the effects of the panic, caused altogether by the political condition of the country.
cco, and quotations are little more than nominal. We quote inferior Lugs at $2.25@2.50, good and fine $3@3.50; inferior Leaf $5@7, good $8@9; fine manufacturing scarce, price $12.50@20; good and fine English $6.50@10.50, fancy cases $20@90. Wheat.--The scarcity of money has effected the Wheat market for some days. We quote now, good to prime red $1.20@1.25; good to prime white $1.30@1.35. These are cash prices. On time, 5 to ten cents more can be obtained. Whiskey,--Richmond Rectiut $20,000. In Railroad stocks we note more firmness. Cincinnati, Nov. 21.--All kinds of produce is greatly depressed, and our markets are very much unsettled. There is very little demand, and prices are nominal. Flour is offered at $4.25. Wheat has declined 5 cts.; red 85 cts., white 95 cts. Corn is dull at a decline of 2 cts Hogs are dull with more disposition to sell by owners. Buyers are expecting a further decline and there was nothing done to-day. Produce is in no demand, and pri