Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wheat or search for Wheat in all documents.

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the two flank companies of the 4th South Carolina regiment, and one company of Wheat's Louisiana battalion, deployed as skirmishers, to cover his small front. An otion to his left and rear six companies of Sloan's 4th South Carolina regiment, Wheat's Louisiana battalion's, five companies, and two six-pounders of Latham's battef his artillery, planted on an eminence some seven hundred yards to the rear of Wheat's battalion, and the other on a ridge near and in rear of Sloan's position, comdebouched from a wood in sight of Evans's position, some 500 yards distant from Wheat's battalion. He immediately threw forward his skirmishers in force, and they became engaged with Wheat's command and the 6-pounder gun under Lieutenant Leftwich. The Federalists at once advanced, as they report officially, the ad Rhodalled and staggered by the fire, and pressed by the determined valor with which Wheat handled his battery until he was desperately wounded, hastened up three other r
the reports of brigade and other subordinate commanders, supply full lists of all actually deserving of distinction. I can only mention those whose conduct came immediately under my notice, or the consequence of whose actions happened to be signally important. It is fit that I should in this way commend to notice the dauntless conduct and imperturbable coolness of Col. Evans, and well indeed was he supported by Col. Sloan, and the officers of the 4th South Carolina regiment, as also Major Wheat, than whom no one displayed more brilliant courage until carried from the field, shot through the lungs, though happily not mortally stricken. But in the desperate, unequal conduct, to which those brave gentlemen were for a time necessarily exposed, the behavior of officers and men generally was worthy of the highest admiration, and assuredly hereafter all those present may proudly say: We were of that band who fought the first hour of the battle of Manassas. Equal honors and credit mus