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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 7: the return of the Army. (search)
all ever think of you with respect and affection, and not without solicitude. The preservation of this Union is for the benefit of all its citizens; and I trust will soon result in one of deeper effect in drawing our hearts together as never before. They responded in words I shall not undertake to record. The order of march for May 1st reversed the order of the division camps. Ayres was to start early in the morning, followed by the artillery and trains. On his reaching Black's and White's Crawford was to follow Ayres, and when the two reached my division I was to follow them, if they passed me. The corps would thus be gathering itself up as it marched. Moreover, by this order the whole corps would, so to speak, pass itself in review. It was a sort of break from the left to march to the right. All these divisions did, however, that day was to reach my headquarters at Wilson's Station, where instead of having to break camp, I had the pleasure of receiving several honored g
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
, long ago shipmates with us of the 20th Maine on the transport that bore us forth in 1862 to fields and fortunes far apart, now at last united again. We remember how that splendor of equipment and loftiness of bearing made us feel very green and humble, but we are somehow equalized now! Of them was Major Henry Burrage, now proudly riding, acting assistant adjutant-general of his brigade,--foretokening his place and part in the Loyal Legion of Maine! Here comes our 31st Maine, brave Daniel White's; consolidated with it now the 32d, those left from its short, sharp experience with Wentworth and John Marshall Brown, at such dear cost leading,--both Bowdoin boys, one the first adjutant of the 20th. Here passes steadily to the front as of yore the 7th Maine Battery, Twitchell, my late college friend, at the head: splendid recessional, for I saw it last in 1864 grimly bastioning the slopes above Rives' Salient, where darkness fell upon my eyes, and I thought to see no more. Foll
in the Shenandoah, and the recruits were transferred to the First Maine Veteran Infantry. Eighth Maine Infantry. White's Brigade — Ames's Division--Tenth Corps. (1) Col. Lee Strickland. (3) Col. Henry Boynton; Bvt. Brig. Gen. (2) Coined Butler's Army, then on the James River, Va., and entered upon the campaign against Richmond, having been assigned to White's (3d) Brigade, Ames's (3d) Division, Tenth Corps. It was actively engaged at Drewry's Bluff, where it lost 3 killed, 64Maine Infantry. Griffin's Brigade — Potter's Division--Ninth Corps. (1) Col. Thomas Hight, W. P., R. A. (2) Col. Daniel White; Bvt. Brig. Gen. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrolled and 39 wounded, and behaved with such gallantry that General Griffin complimented it in orders. Under command of Colonel White, the regiment rendered efficient service in the assault on Petersburg, June 17th, and at the Mine explosion it
t; of a group like Grenville M. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, who helped to develop American material resources; together with several, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E. Waring, Jr., and Francis A. Walker, whose influence has put much of our journalism and public life on a higher plane. As these lines are penned, no less than four Civil War soldiers—two Union, two Confederate—are serving as members of the highest American tribunal—the Supreme Court:—Chief Justice White and Justice Lurton (Confederate); Justices Harlan and Holmes (Union). Ex-Confederates again have been found in the cabinets of both Republican and Democratic Presidents, as well as in the National Congress. But immense indeed would be the literary enterprise undertaking to cover all the results in American civic life of Civil War training. There have been State governors by the hundreds who could look back upon service with the armies. There have been members of legislatures by
s until his death, which occurred at Brooklyn, New York, April 7, 1888. Major-General Alfred Howe terry was born in Hartford, Connecticut, November 10, 1827. He was colonel of the Second Connecticut Federal generals—No. 9 Maine Charles H. Smith, conspicuous as a Cavalry leader. George F. Shepley, originally Colonel of the 20th regiment. Elias spear, Colonel of the 20th regiment. Maryland Frank Nickerson, originally Colonel of the 4th regiment. Daniel White, brevetted for gallantry at the Wilderness. Nathaniel J. Jackson, originally Colonel of the 1st and 5th Infantry. Cuvier Grover, division leader in the East and in the West. James M. Deems, brevetted for gallantry. John R. Kenly, originally Colonel of the 1st regiment. James Cooper, in command of Maryland volunteers in 1861. Volunteers at Bull Run. He returned home to raise the Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, and with this regiment served under Brigadier-General T. W. Sher
5. Weld, S. M., Jr. , Mar. 13, 1865. Welles, Geo. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Wells, Geo. D., Oct. 12, 1864. Wells, Henry H., June 3, 1865. Wells, Milton, Mar. 13, 1865. Wentworth, M. F., Mar. 13, 1865. Welsh, William, Mar. 13, 1865. West, Edward W., Mar. 13, 1865. West, Francis H., Mar. 13, 1865. West, Geo. W., Dec. 2, 1864. West, Henry R., July 13, 1865. West, Robert M., April 1, 1865. Wever, Clark R., Feb. 9, 1865. Wheelock, Charles, Aug. 9, 1864. Wherry, Wm. M., April 2, 1865. White, Daniel, Mar. 13, 1865. Whitaker, E. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Whistler, J. N. G., Mar. 13, 1865. Whitbeck, H. N., Mar. 13, 1865. White, Carr B., Mar. 13, 1865. White, David B., Mar. 13, 1865. White, Frank, Mar. 13, 1865. White, Frank J., Mar. 13, 1865. White, Harry, Mar. 2, 1865. Whittier, Chas. A., April 9, 1865. Whittier, F. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Whittlesey, C. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Whittlesey, E., Mar. 13, 1865. Whittlesey, H. M., Mar. 13, 1865. Wilcox, Jas. A., Feb. 13, 1865. Wilcox, John
aged, and some parts of the building still remain. This beautiful spot was abandoned in 1849 for the present stone structure in the northwest corner of the city, adjoining the Somerville line. Besides the public provisions for the sick poor, other charities have been created in Cambridge by bequests and gifts. That of John Foster for the poor of the First Parish; of Levi Bridge under the care of the overseers for the time being, to be expended for the deserving poor of Cambridge; of Daniel White for fuel; of Charles Sanders, of Cambridge, the income of $10,000 for the prevention of intemperance and the reclaiming of inebriates, and again of the same Charles Sanders a trust of $400,000 in aid of objects and purposes of benevolence or charity, public or private, a part of which is annually distributed in Cambridge. To these we must add the charities of the churches, the Cambridge Humane Society, the Avon Home for Children, and of individuals, a constantly flowing stream, the sprin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the companies. (search)
, Meredith Jones, M. B. Judy, Jacob Kurtz, Arch. Kavenaugh, J. B. Mize, Owen McKee, Travis Million, Samuel Meeks, James P. Norman, died in Camp Douglas, October 26, 1864, of pneumonia; J. R. Oldham, Preston Oldham, Richard Oldham, James Oldham, Q. R. Oldham, J. P. Oldham, Thomas Portwood, Benjamin Price, Silas Pearce, Robert Rowan, J. K. Sams, John Semonis, Andrew Turpin, Samuel Turpin, died in Camp Douglas, November 26, 1864, of smallpox; Harris Thorp, Granville Troxwell, Durrett White, Daniel White, Joel W. Watts, died in Camp Douglas, February 25, 1864, of pneumonia; Wm. Wilder, Alex. Woods, died in Knoxville, Tenn., November 13, 1862; C. F. Wright—72 officers and enlisted men. Company G. This company was recruited in Bourbon County. There is only one known roll in existence, covering the period from September 10, 1862, to December 31, 1862, and it is supposed to be very incomplete. It is as follows: Captains—James Mitchel, Thomas Wells. First Lieutenants— G. W. Bowen, <
Simpson, grocery keeper on 17th street, was summoned up, at the instance of the Clerk of the 1st Market, for buying $200 worth of bacon, butter, and eggs, in the market, for the purpose of selling them again at his store. The Mayor reserved his decision as to the bacon, which had been carried home. The eggs and butter, which had not been delivered, were ordered to be sold for the benefit of the city. Simpson said he was not aware that he was violating any law in doing what he did. Daniel White was fined for permitting water to escape from the hydrant on his lot. Hunter Taliaferro was fined $10 for riding his horse on 2d street at a faster rate than six miles per hour. Margaret Dooley was required to give security to keep the peace, on complaint of Mary Roach, who charged her with assaulting and putting her person in danger. Hustings Court, October 16th --Present: Senior Alderman Sanxay; James Bray, C. B. Anderson, N. C. Lipscomb, and John F. Regnault, Aldermen.