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f Officers Seal, Charley, Davis, and several watchmen, went about the hour of 12 to a house on the corner of Main and Eleventh streets, and effected an entrance from the rear, over a winding stairway. The door was burst open, and some eight or ten persons found themselves suddenly confronted with the enemy. One individual endeavored to leap through a window, but received a stunning blow from a policeman outside, and surrendered at discretion. Messrs. Andrew Muller, Carlos W. Ellis, and Jesse White were taken into custody, and the officers carried off a faro table, a roulette table, dealing box, checks, and $119 in money as trophies. A free negro named Henry Holman, doorkeeper of the house, was also taken along to the station- house. The parties were taken before the Mayor yesterday, and admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000 each for their appearance on Wednesday, the 22d inst. Another body of police, including officers Kelly, Quarles, Perrin, J. M. Carter, and several wa
--Nothing of importance was transacted in this court yesterday. A number of individuals were fined various sums, varying from five to twenty dollars, for selling liquor after the regular hours presoribed by law. Annexed we append a list of the cases disposed of: Andrew Muller and Carlos W. Ellis, charged with keeping a "faro bank," were again brought up for examination, but the case was continued till Saturday, and the accused gave security in $1,000 each for their appearance. Jesse White, charged with dealing "faro," gave security in $1,000 to appear next Saturday and answer charge. Samuel Roberts, a free negro, charged with giving a knife to Anthony Burns to cut Wm. Bird, was ordered twenty-nine lashes. The case of Henry Holman, a free negro, who kept door at the "faro bank" of Muller and Ellis, was continued till Saturday next. A soldier named Wm. H. Callerton, was arraigned for being drunk and begging in the street. He was sent to Gen. Winder. Barn
Mayor's court, Jan. 25. --After having disposed of several cases of a trivial character, the Mayor proceeded to examine Andrew Muller and Charles W. Ellis, charged with exhibiting the game of faro, and Jesse White, charged with keeping and dealing the game. The parties appear to have been surprised by the police, in a room No. 175, Main street, where appearances indicated that a game had been going on. The sum of $116 was taken from one of the accused. The law provides for the arrest of the parties found engaged in gaming, the seizure of the table and implements used, which are to be burned, and the seizure and confiscation of the money found thus employed. The counsel for the defence contended for a very strict construction of the act, according to which, he insisted that neither the implements nor the money could be condemned, there being no positive proof that they were actually in use for gaming purposes. But his Honor overruled the objection, holding that th
ms and werer, first regiment artillery South Carolinia militia, all of whom fought under the flag of their adopted country with an enthusiasm which could not have been urpassed had they been fighting in defence of their own fatherland. The remaining four batteries on the left flank of the water front were under the direction of Captain Bedon, ninth regiment South Carolina volunteers, the flanking and rear guns of the fort were mansed by detachments from Captains Bedon's, Cannuady's, and White's companies, ninth regiment South Carolina volunteers, Major F. D Lee, South Carolina Englneers, and constructing engineer of Fort Walker, not only fought gallatly at the batteries, but afforded valuable assistance at other points in work during he contest. Captain Joseph A. Yates, battalion South Carolina Artillery and acting orduance officer was zealous in the execution of the all the duties assigned to him. Towards the close of the fight he was severely wounded, but has since recover
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment of volunteers.--no Coorcien. (search)
hey were expected to take cognizance of. Among other fit subjects of presentments he mentioned extortioners. The following is a list of the Grand Jury sworn in at this term. Geo. W. Smith, (Foreman,) Wm. H. Haxall, Wm. Palmer, John D. Quarles, C. H. Powell, Samuel P. Mitchell, Mark Downey, James T. Butler, Geo. D. Shell, Theod'k Robertson, Wm. Beers, L. W. Glazebrook, Wm. S. Donnan, G. F. Watson, Alex. H. Rutherfoord, Fleming Griffin, Alfred T. Harris, Samuel C. Greenhow, and Geo. Whitfield. The following parties were presented by the Grand Jury for misdemeanors, viz: Andrew Muller, Frank H. L. Allen, Richard Copeland, Carlos W. Ellis, Jesse White, Henry Holman, John Gentry, Wm. Henry Selden, Edward Kelley, Martin Maddux, Thos. J. Goodrich, James F. Magee, Algernon Adams, James H. Keyser, Wm. Appleyard, Stephen Page, Arthur Fergusson, Wm. Barnes, John Denzler, and Wm. Wayne. The Grand Jury, after making the above presentments, adjourned until 12 o'clock on Wednesday.
d the law forbidding the sale of intoxicating liqueur without a license, and for this offence the Recorder fined him 240, and required him to give $500 security to be of good behavior. A person known as Capt. Frank Livingston was arraigned, charged with blaring a gold watch by false presences from one of the negro waiter at the Tavern. Mr. Angel. clerk of the Columbian, testified that the negro let Livingston have the watch on the representation that he was going to visit Cindy. Mr. Jesse White being introduced as a witness on behalf of the Commonwealth testified that Livingston had pawned the watch with him for a loan of $250, and that shortly after it passed into his possession be learned how Livingston came in possession of it, and on the application of the owner he had restored the time-place to him.--The charge of false pretence in obtaining the watch was dismissed; but on failing to give $500 security for his good behavior, Livingston was committed to the city jail. The
Man shot. --A personal difficulty between two men, named John Andrews and Jesse White, occurred yesterday morning on Main street, opposite the Spotswood Hotel, resulting in Andrews' receiving a pistol ball in his right arm from a weapon in the hands of White. Man shot. --A personal difficulty between two men, named John Andrews and Jesse White, occurred yesterday morning on Main street, opposite the Spotswood Hotel, resulting in Andrews' receiving a pistol ball in his right arm from a weapon in the hands of White.
ordered 30 lashes for stealing 20 bushels of corn. and Margaret Griffin, arrested for receiving the same, also underwent an examination, resulting in Mr. Griffin's discharge. The case against Mis G. was continued. The case against Jesse White. for shooting at and wounding John Andrews, on Main street opposite the Spotswood. Hotel, on Sunday morning, was called upon it being announced that the wounded man would be unable to appear for several days, the Mayor determined to continue the case until Thursday. Judge Crump appeared for White. None of the circumstances attending the affair were related in Court. Mike Sullivan and James Hope. boys were required to answer for being engaged, on Sunday night about 8 o'clock, in making a great noise and disturbance in front of the Mount Vernon Hotel, near the Petersburg Depots. of insurgent that could produce discord was in use by the crowd, who were encouraged in their efforts by a number of full-grown rowdies, who showed
for keeping a faro bank. A witness testified to the fact, and defendant was sent on to await indictment for the offence, and admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance. Edward L. Israel and C. H. Wilson, who were concerned as dealers for Hungerford, was also sent on. They gave bail. Several other men, arrested in Hungerford's house, proving to be visitors, were on examination discharged from custody. John Fergusson was examined for keeping a faro bank in Streat's old stand, next to the Ballard House, Franklin street, and David B. Cox for dealing his game. No evidence was adduced to show that either of the parties in question had anything to do with the house, and they were let off. The case of Jesse White, for shooting John Andrews, opposite the Spotswood House last Sunday morning, was called up, but continued till Saturday, the witness, Andrews, having been removed to Bellevue Hospital, and being unable to attend Court. Hall was applied for and refused.
s, subject to the will of Lord Lincoln. This is no longer a free government, but a despotism. There is to be a grand rally of the Democracy at Georgetown on the first day of April I wish you could be there. Valiandigham, Cox, Pendleton and White will be the speakers. They are denouncing the Administration in bitter terms.--White says when the Provost Marshal comes after us, we must welcome him with bloody hands. We look for you, of course, as soon as the conscript comes on us — not thaWhite says when the Provost Marshal comes after us, we must welcome him with bloody hands. We look for you, of course, as soon as the conscript comes on us — not that we need help, but it will be the duty of every patriotic soldier to help resist such an infamous, unconstitutional, damnable thing as this conscription law. We do not know how soon it will be put enforce — the enrollment is to be completed in this month. People have become so tired of the war that they will resort to any means whatever, before they will suffer themselves to deforced into it. Excitement is getting high about here and you must not be surprised if you hear of blood being shed b<