Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jesse White or search for Jesse White in all documents.

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s, subject to the will of Lord Lincoln. This is no longer a free government, but a despotism. There is to be a grand rally of the Democracy at Georgetown on the first day of April I wish you could be there. Valiandigham, Cox, Pendleton and White will be the speakers. They are denouncing the Administration in bitter terms.--White says when the Provost Marshal comes after us, we must welcome him with bloody hands. We look for you, of course, as soon as the conscript comes on us — not thaWhite says when the Provost Marshal comes after us, we must welcome him with bloody hands. We look for you, of course, as soon as the conscript comes on us — not that we need help, but it will be the duty of every patriotic soldier to help resist such an infamous, unconstitutional, damnable thing as this conscription law. We do not know how soon it will be put enforce — the enrollment is to be completed in this month. People have become so tired of the war that they will resort to any means whatever, before they will suffer themselves to deforced into it. Excitement is getting high about here and you must not be surprised if you hear of blood being shed b<
J. Andrews, who was shot in the left arm of Jesse White, early last Sunday morning, opposite the Sp the gunshot wound and the blows received from White. Wm. J. Bevill testified in substance thar of 8th street, near the Spotswood Hotel; saw White strike Andrews with something and he staggered back, but did not fall; White put his hand under his cost as if to draw a weapon but he did not see any weapon; heard Andrews ask White what to do with "that thing," or pistol, witness was not certain which; heard White reply that he was going to shoot him; directly the plain fired off, and Anda scuffle ensued when the men were separated. White then walked off, and it was found that Andrews was shot in the arm. As White walked off, Andrews called to him and asked him where he was going ao his death by a gunshot wound inflicted by Jesse White, and by blows given by him on the body of tlock A. M. The preliminary examination of White will take place before the Mayor this morning.[2 more...]