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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Index. (search)
270. Trowbridge, C. T., Lt.-Col., 65, 94,115, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 182, 237,243, 247, 258, 261, 265, 269, 270, 272, 274, 276, 286,292, 294, 9, 62, Trowbridge, J. A., Lt., 271. Tubman, Harriet, 11. 272. Twichell, J. F., Lt.-Col. 117, 122. ,270. Vendross, Robert, Corp., 265. 28. Walker, G. D., Capt., 270. Walker, William, Sergt., 280, 289. Washington, William, 21. 271. Watson, Lt., 100. Webster, Daniel, IHon., 1. 16, 34, Weld, S. M., 225. 1, 64, West, H. C., Lt., 271. 226, West, J. B., Lt., 271. 8 273, White, E. P., Lt., 271. White, N, S., Capt., 270, 271, 272. Whiting, William, Hon., 282, 284,288, 290. Whitney, H. A., Maj., 176, 230, 269, 270. Wiggins, Cyrus, 266. Williams, Harry Sergt., 230. , 277, Williams, Col., 277. Wilson, Henry, Hon., 281, 284, 285. Wilson family, 246. Wood, H., Lt., 271, 272. Wood, W. J., Maj. 280. Wright, Gen., 98, 104. Wright, Fanny, 247. Zachos, Dr., 18. the end. Cambridge: Electrotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co.
n the present glory of our State. A reconnoissance was made to Clinton, nine miles south of Newbern, N. C. The rebels' advanced pickets were met, and a skirmish ensued, resulting in the loss of one Lieutenant and four privates belonging to the Nationals. The rebels lost nine killed and two prisoners. Lieutenant S. M. Whitesides, with eight men of company K, of the Sixth cavalry, captured a train of one hundred mules and eight contrabands belonging to the brigade of the rebel General Whiting, near the advance of General McClellan, en route for Richmond. The Legislature of Virginia adjourned in accordance with a resolution previously adopted. In the House of Delegates, the Speaker, Mr. Sheffey, of Augusta, delivered an affecting valedictory.--(See Supplement.) This afternoon a boat went ashore from the Wachusett, lying in the James River, Va., with a flag of truce, containing six officers and twelve men. The surgeon of the ship had been sent for from the shore, an
July 21. A party of National pickets were captured on the Lebanon road, five miles from Nashville, Tenn., by a body of rebel guerrillas.--Three bridges were burned on the Chattanooga road, within eight miles of Nashville. The first anniversary of the battle of Manassas was celebrated at Dill's farm, at Gen. Whiting's headquarters, near Richmond, Va., by the Bee Lodge of Masons. A pr cession was formed at Dill's and marched thence, preceded by a brass band, to the farm of Mrs. Schermerhorn. Arrived there, proceedings were initiated by prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan. An oration, an eulogy on the death of the gallant and lamented brother Barnard E. Bee, Brigadier-General, C. S.A., who fell at Manassas, was then delivered in feeling and appropriate language by Rev. Dr. Stewart, an Episcopalian clergyman, of Alexandria, Va., who, it will be remembered, was driven from his pulpit by the hirelings of Lincoln for declining to pray for that individual. The procession returned to Dill
September 26. The Fifth and Sixth regulars, with Capt. Robertson's battery of horse-artillery, went out from Bolivar Heights, Md., on a reconnoissance, under command of Major Whiting of the Second cavalry. At Halltown, five miles off, they encountered the rebel pickets, and drove them in. Approaching within a mile and a half of Charlestown, they met the rebels in force, with infantry, cavalry, and one battery. There was considerable picket-firing, but no casualties on the National side. The expedition, ascertaining that the enemy occupied Charlestown in force, returned, bringing five or six prisoners. Several of them rode horses branded U. S., which they said were captured at the first Bull Run battle. The rebel General Bragg issued a proclamation from Bardstown, Ky., addressed to the people of the North-Western States, announcing the. motives and purpose of his presence with an army among them. He informed them that the free navigation of the Mississippi River was the
over the foe, won by your noble comrades of the Virginia army on Union soil; may he not, with redoubled hopes, count on you while defending your firesides and household gods to emulate the proud example of your brothers in the East? The country expects in this, the great crisis of its destiny, that every man will do his duty. General Johnston ordered all pillagers to be shot, the guard to shoot them wherever found. Martial law was declared at Louisville, Ky.--the letter of William Whiting, Solicitor to the National War Department, to the members of the Fremont League, was published.--Salem, Ind., was visited and sacked by the rebel forces under John Morgan; the railroad bridge over the Blue River was also destroyed by the same parties.--(Doc. 47.) The National forces under the command of General Q. A. Gillmore, at five o'clock this morning, made an attack upon the rebel fortifications on the south end of Morris Island, in the harbor of Charleston, S. C., and after a
November 6. Jefferson Davis arrived at Wilmington, North-Carolina, from Charleston, South-Carolina, and was received by General Whiting, and welcomed by William A. Wright. Mr. Davis stated that he was proud to be welcomed by so large a concourse of North-Carolinians to the ancient and honored town of Wilmington, upon whose soil he hoped the foot of an invading foe might never fall. He had given Wilmington for her defence one of the best soldiers in the Confederacy--one whom he had seen tried in battle, and who had risen higher as danger accumulated. He felt the full importance of the harbor — the only one still open for trade — and would do all that could be done for its defence. He exhorted all to do their duty, either in the field or in supporting the army and relieving the families of soldiers, and spoke of the honor of the soldier, and the disgrace of the speculator. He referred to Chickamauga and Charleston, and spoke of the noble spirit of the army and people at bot
November 20. The Solicitor of the War Department, Mr. William Whiting, in a letter to a gentleman in Boston, wrote as follows: There are several serious difficulties in the way of continuing an exchange of prisoners. One is the bad faith of the enemy in putting into active service many thousands of paroled prisoners, captured at Vicksburgh and elsewhere, without releasing any of our soldiers held by them. But another difficulty of still grater importance is the peremptory refusal by the enemy to exchange colored soldiers and their white officers upon any terms whatever. It is well known that they have threatened to sell colored captured soldiers into slavery, and to hang their white officers. The Government demands that all officers and soldiers should be fairly exchanged, otherwise no more prisoners of war will be given up. The faith of the Government is pledged to these officers and troops that they shall be protected, and it cannot and will not abandon to the sav
Doc. 9.-the National enrolment. Solicitor Whiting's opinion. war Department, Office Provost-Marshal General, June 9. the following opinion of Hon. William Whiting, solicitor of the War Hon. William Whiting, solicitor of the War Department, has been ordered to be published by the Secretary of War: The National forces, liable to perform military duty, include all able-bodied male citizens of the United States, and persons oe made from that class of the forces of the United States under the provisions of this act. William Whiting, Solicitor of the War Department. James B. Fry, Provost-Marshal General. war Department, Provost-Marshal General's office, Washington, D. C., June 6. The following opinion of Hon. William Whiting, solicitor of the War Department, has been ordered to be published by the Secretary of Ware illegal intent; and the offender will in either case be subject to summary arrest by the provost-marshal. William Whiting, Solicitor of the War Department. James B. Fry, Provost-Marshal General.
rsary was a strong, athletic man, yet the former, though young in years and slight in stature, nobly avenged his commander's fall. By this time the gallant Eighth Illinois, though meeting with a hot reception, in which Captain Clark and Captain Forsyth were both wounded, had charged upon the rebels, and driven them back upon the main body of the enemy, who were now engaged in deploying and forming in the rear of the woods and just beyond their camp, nearly two miles from the river. Major Whiting's command now came up to the support of the Illinois and Indiana troops. Gen. Ames also brought his infantry over, and deploy. ed them on the left of the road as skirmishers, and then pushed them out in line of battle to the edge of the woods, in front of which the enemy was drawn up by squadrons, with artillery at the intervals, which omitted no opportunity to shell every thing in sight that had motion to it. Thus far the enemy evidently had but one brigade at hand, and a few prisoner
s about four miles from the piles, which riddled the Dean completely with shot and canister. The Milton had meanwhile run down the river, and, by mistake, run headlong on the spiles. Being unable to get her off, she was abandoned and burned. The machinery of the Dean was now disabled, and she was taken in tow by the John Adams. We then proceeded down the river; but it would be well to mention another brisk skirmish which occurred before embarking, between the rebels and company K, Captain Whiting, and company G, Lieutenant Lampson, with a detachment of company B, under Lieutenant Parker, and a detachment of company A, under Lieutenant Trowbridge. As they were about to embark, the rebels dashed down upon them with a force five hundred strong, consisting of cavalry and infantry. A brisk skirmish ensued, and braver men never used a musket than our boys proved themselves to be on that occasion. They fought with admirable bravery, and the rebels fled before them. The extent of th