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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Fredericksburg, Va. (search)
George W. Nelson. cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. First Brigade (a detachment was on a raid to the rear of the Union army), Brig.-Gen. Wade Hampton: 1st N. C., Col. L. S. Baker; 1st S. C., Col. J. L. Beach; 2d S. C., Col. M. C. Butler; Cobb (Ga.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. P. M. B. Young; Phillips's (Ga.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. William W. Rich. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Va., Col. James H. Drake; 2d Va., Col. Thomas T. Munford; 3d Va., Col. T. H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. Wickham; 5th Va.----. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. H. F. Lee: 2d N. C., Col. S. Williams; 9th Va., Col. R. L. T. Beale; 10th Va., Col. J. Lucius Davis; 13th Va., Col. J. R. Chambliss, Jr.; 15th Va., Col. William B. Ball. Brigade loss: w, 7. Artillery, Maj. John Pelham: Va. Battery, Capt. James Breathed; Va. Battery, Capt. R. P. Chew; S. C. Battery, Capt. J. F. Hart; Va. Battery, Capt. M. W. Henry; Va. Battery, Capt. M. N. Moorman. Artillery loss: k, 3; w, 22 == 25. Total Confederate lo
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
ry, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. Sumter (Ga.) Battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts: Battery A (Ross's); Battery B (Patterson's); Battery C (Wingfield's). Battalion loss: w, 3. Nelson's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. William N elson: Va. Battery (Kirkpatrick's); Va. Battery (Massie's); Ga. Battery (Milledge's). Battalion loss (not reported). cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Va.,----; 2d Va.,----; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. Wickham. Brigade loss: k, 4; w, 7-=11. Third Brigade (engaged in resisting the Stoneman raid ), Brig.-Gen. W. H. F. Lee: 2d N. C., Lieut.-Col. William H. Payne; 5th Va., Col. Thomas L. Rosser; 9th Va., Col. R. L. T. Beale; 10th Va.,----; 13th Va., Col. John R. Chambliss, Jr.; 15th Va.,----. Brigade loss (not reported). Horse Artillery, Maj. R. F. Beckham: Va. Battery, Capt. M. N. Moorman; Va. Battery, Capt. James Breathed; Va. Battery, Capt. William M. McGregor. Horse Artillery loss: k, 4;
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The first day at Gettysburg. (search)
Major-General, U. S. A., from the official reports of the commanders on both sides, and from the maps of Colonel John B. Bachelder, which were purchased by Congress for the War Department.--editors. was heavily engaged, Gregg pushed direct for Brandy Station, sending orders to Duffie to follow his movement. Stuart, notified of his approach, had sent in haste some artillery and two of Jones's regiments to Fleetwood, and Colonel Butler started at once for Stevensburg, followed soon after by Wickham's 4th Virginia. On their approach two squadrons of the 6th Ohio, in occupation of the place, fell back skirmishing. Duffie sent two regiments to their aid, and after a severe action, mainly with the 2d South Carolina, reoccupied the village. In this action Colonel Butler lost a leg, and his lieutenant-colonel, Hampton, was killed. On Gregg's arrival near Brandy Station the enemy appeared to be in large force, with artillery, on and about Fleetwood Hill. He promptly ordered an attack;
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
(Crenshaw),----; Va. Battery (Fredericksburg Art'y), Capt. E. A. Marye; Va. Battery, (Letcher Art'y), Capt. T. A. Brander; Va. Battery (Purcell Art'y), Capt. Joseph McGraw. Battalion loss: k, 10; w, 37; m, 1= 48. cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Fitz Lee's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Md. Battalion (serving with Ewell's corps), Maj. Harry Gilmor, Maj. Ridgely Brown; 1st Va., Col. James H. Drake; 2d Va., Col. T. T. Munford; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. Wickham; 5th Va., Col. T. L. Rosser. Brigade loss: k, 5; w, 16; m, 29 = 50. Hampton's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Wade Hampton (w), Col. Lawrence S. Baker: 1st N. C., Col. Lawrence S. Baker; 1st S. C.,----; 2d S. C.,----; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion,----; Jeff Davis Legion,----; Phillips's (Ga.) Legion,----. Brigade loss: k, 17; w, 58; m, 16 = 91. W. H. F. Lee's Brigade, Col. John R. Chambliss, Jr.: 2d N. C.,----; 9th Va., Col. R. L. T. Beale; 10th Va., Col. J. Lucius Davis; 13th Va.,----. Brigade loss: