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Your search returned 462 results in 153 document sections:

For Sale, a superior Cook Washer and Ironer, about thirty-four years of age, of good character, and in every respect a most excellent servant. With her will be sold her husband, who is of not much value, and four children, aged about thirteen, six, four and two years respectively. The owner has no use for them, and wishes to obtain for them a good home in the city. To effect this object, he will sell them at less than their value. Apply to Grubbs & Williams, Auctioneers. de 31--3t
For sale, a superior Cook, Washer and Ironer, about thirty-four years of age, of good character, and in every respect a most excellent servant. With her will be sold her husband, who is of not much value, and four children, aged about thirteen, six, four and two years respectively. The owner has no use for them, and wishes to obtain for them a good home in the city. To effect this object, he will sell them at less than their value. Apply to Grubbs & Williams, Auctioneers. de 31--3t
Wanted to hire a good Cook, Washer and Ironer and House Maid. Apply to Mas. John Williams, corner of Leigh and Fifth streets. de 30--3t