Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Willis or search for Willis in all documents.

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nel; John Stuart Walker, Major. The staff officers remain as heretofore. G. R. O. Todd, Surgeon; O. W. P. Brock, Ass't surgeon; J. H. F. Mayo, Commissary; Lieut Parsley, Acting Quartermaster. Confederate Guard, Company A.--Edward J Willis, Captain; M. W. Hazelwood, 1st Lt; John R. Bradley, 2d Lieut; Wm. L. Smith, 2d Lieut. Virginia Life Guard, Company B.--John S. Walker, Captain; Norman S. Walker, 1st Lt.; A. M. Lyon, 2 Lieut; J Mel Willis, Junior 2d. Patrick Henry RifleWillis, Junior 2d. Patrick Henry Rifles, Company C.--B. M. Morrison, Captain; Geo. B. Swiff, 1st Lieut; B. B. Bumpass, 2d Lieut; Thomas G. Bumpass, Junior 2d. Henrico Grays, Company D.--Abuer Va. England, Captain; Douglas B. Benson, 1st Lieut; J. T. Vannerson, 2d Lieut; E. M. Dunndvant, Junior 2d. Ashland Grays, Company E.--St. George Tucker, Captain; Chastain H. Taylor, 1st Lt; John C. Govers, 2d Lieut; Henry C. Jones, Junior 2d. Emmett Guard, Company F, declined electing officers, and they will be appointed by the p