lorous W. 43, mar.; laborer; Stockbridge.
15 Dec 63; 13 Jly 65 Charleston, S. C.; dis. $325.
Willis, Jeremiah 21, mar.; farmer; Philadelphia.
9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50.
Wilson, Samuel R. 21, simes H. Sergt. 21, sin.; painter; New Haven, Conn. 28 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. New Haven, Conn.
Willis, Franklin Corpl.
33, sin.; farmer; Chatham, Can. 27 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Ft Wagner.
Williams, Joseph 21, sin.; farmer; Detroit, Mich. 4 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50.
Willis, Charles J 24, sin.; machinist; Syracuse, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50.
wood, Charles CorpP. 21, sin.; barber; Owego, N. Y. 8 Apl 63; killed 18 Apl 65 Boykins Mills, S. C. $50.
Jones, Willis 35, sin.; laborer Detroit, Mich. 11 Aug 63; 30 Aug 65 New York. ——
Kelley, Daniel A. 19, s; laborer; Medford.
22 Apl 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner; supposed died pris.
Taylor, Willis.
21, sin.; drummer; Kalamazoo, Mich. 23 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50.
Teale, Jefferson 31, sin.; f
unded; Captain Russell was a prisoner.
Corporal Bassett, Bright, Dyer, Flemming, Hazelton, Livingston, and Sergeant Whitten, of Company A; Gilson and Corporal Oakes, of Company B; Brown, F. H. Cochrane, Francis, Corporal Gray, Hines, Jewell, Stonehall, and Williston, of Company C; Bickford, Corporal Fay, and Corporal Wilcox, of Company D; Ide and Sparrow, of Company E; Sergeant Andrews, Hatch, Howard, and Hoxsey, of Company G; Corporal Cahill, Corporal DeWeale, and Duffy, of Company H; Sergeant Willis, of Company I; and Conlan, Daly, Livingstone, Montague, Roberts, and Watson, of Company K,--were killed.
Corporal Buxton, Gilman, and Spalding, of Company A; Stephens (J.), of Company B; Donovan, of Company C; Daniels, of Company E; Moore, of Company F; Dillingham, Greene (M.), Smith, and First Sergeant Williston, of Company G; Sylvester, of Company I; and Hauboldt, of Company K,were mortally wounded.
Ninety-nine others were wounded ; and fourteen men, besides four of the wounded, we
London, catch the latest fashions and the latest slang of the literature of the day, learn the names of a great many authorlings who are happily not yet reprinted in this country, and come back thinking, like Sim Tappertit and his fellow-revellers, that there's nothing like life.
They yearn to be cosmopolitan, whereas what they need is to be true men and women first, and let cosmopolitanism take care of itself.
The most cosmopolitan American writers of the last generation were undoubtedly Willis and Bayard Taylor; but what has become of their literary fame?
On the other hand, the American names one sees oftenest mentioned in European books-Emerson, Thoreau, Poe, Whitman — are those of authors who never visited Europe, or under such circumstances as to form but a trivial part of their career.
Who can doubt that, fifty years hence, the disproportion will be far greater than now?
After all is said and done, the circle of American writers who established our nation's literature, hal
nton, Ma.Sept. 5, 1864Transferred Dec. 23, 1864, to 13th Battery.
Peebles, John R.,28Groton, Ma.Nov. 11, 1864Deserted Feb. 17, 1865, Greenville La.
Pelby, Charles,27Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Apr. 11, 1862, disability.
Pilkey, Francis,33Hadley, Ma.Jan. 4, 1864Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service.
Plymton, Andrew F.,35Milford, Ma.Sept. 5, 1864Transferred Dec. 23, 1864, to 6th Battery.
Potter, Jeffrey M.,21North Bridgewater, Ma.Sept. 5, 1864Transferred Dec. 23, 1864 to 13th Battery.
Potter, Willis S.,19Taunton, Ma.Sept. 5, 1864June 11, 1865, expiration of service.
Prevoe, Joseph,29Hadley, Ma.Jan. 4, 1864Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service.
Presby, Mason W.,30Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Deserted, Jan. 1, 1862.
Prince, Amasa T.,30Brighton, Ma.Feb. 29, 1864Mar. 3, 1864, rejected recruit.
Price, Theodore H.,38Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Died July .., 1862, Vicksburg, Miss.
Ray, Charles,23Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Nov. 1, 1861, disability.
Ricker, William,18Boston, Ma.Jan. 8, 1863Deserted