Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wilmot or search for Wilmot in all documents.

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arris, Howard, Howe, Lane of ind., Lane of Kansas, Latham, Powell, Sherman, Tea Eyck, Trumbult, Wade, Wright--23. Nays--Messrs, Bayard, Carille, Fessenden, Hale, Grimes, Henderson, Kennedy. King, McDougal, Morrill, Stark, Sumner, Wilkinson, Wilmot, Wilson of Mass, Wilson of Mo--16. Not voting or absent, Messrs Foster, Johnson, Nesmith, Pearce, Simmons, Rice, Saulsbury, Thompson, and Willey. The amendment then stood as follows: "And be it further enacted, That the sum of $00e of Kansas, Latham, Powell, Sherman, Ten Kyck, Trumbull, Williamson of Mo., Flight--19. Nays--Messrs. Carlile, Chandler, Clark, Dixon, Fessenden, Foot, Gilmes, Hals, Howare, Kennedy, King, McDougall, Morrill, Stark, Sumner, Wad, Wilkis son, Wilmot, wilson of Mass--19. This being a tie, the Vice President gave the casting vote in the negative, and the amendment as amended was rejected. In addition to those not voting before, Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, refrained this time. Mr. K