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Your search returned 127 results in 43 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
Congressional. Washington, Jan, 29.
--Senate.--Mr. Ring introduced a resolution authorizing the President to accept volunteers for the protection of the public property.
Mr. Wilson introduced a bill for the reorganization of the militia of the District of Columbia.
Mr. Bingham presented a memorial for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave law.
The Pacific Railroad bill was taken up, and a number of amendments proposed; one providing for the northern route was adopted.
Mr. Mason moved to strike out of the bill all portions which appropriated money, with a view of showing that Virginia dissented from making a large debt, when probably all the public debts would shortly be apportioned among the States, and that Virginia would not be held chargeable with any of the sum now appropriated.
The motion was lost
Pending the subject, the Senate
House--The House resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee of Thirty-Three.
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], An incident of the last war. (search)
Duel. Washington, Jan. 29.
--A dispatch from Philadelphia says that Dr. J. J. Jones, late of the New Orleans True Delta and secretary of the Douglas National Committee, fought a duel with Lt. Wilson, U. S. N., this morning, near Wilmington, Del. The difficulty grew out of political affairs.
The Daily Dispatch: February 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], State's-rights Ticket. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: February 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], State's-rights Ticket. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: February 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], Church Burnt. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National Crisis. (search)
Life, fire and Marine Insurance.Richmond fire Association.Office, no. 158 Main (N. E. Corner of 11th) st.,Richmond, Va.Chartered 29th March, 1837.
This old and reliable Institution, with ample capital, and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to insure Slaves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, Vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates.
Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch.
David Currie,
C. T. Wortham,
John H. Claiborne,
John J. wilson,
Alex. Garrett,
Robert M. Burton,
Francis J. Barnes,
John T. Sublett,
Thos. A. Rust,
Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R.T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly