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e Capitol, in this city, on Friday last. The principal parties to the affair were Dr. J. J. Jones, of New Orleans, and Mr. Wilson, of Tennessee, an officer, we learn, in the United States revenue service. The difficulty grew out of offensive remarks from Wilson to Jones concerning the Douglas party. Jones was Secretary of the Central Douglas Committee during the late campaign and a warm friend of the Judge, and resented the remark by a slap in the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, win the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, which was accepted, and the parties left Washington on Monday morning. They fought with pistols at ten paces, Wilson receiving a severe wound in the hip, and Dr. Jones being uninjured.-- Wash. Star. in the face. Wilson immediately sent a challenge, which was accepted, and the parties left Washington on Monday morning. They fought with pistols at ten paces, Wilson receiving a severe wound in the hip, and Dr. Jones being uninjured.-- Wash. Star.
uary 14th, 1861, an election will be held on Monday, February 4th, 1861, for the election of three delegates to a State Convention, to be holden at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 12th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d i
ves, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly es, Buildings, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly