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ssed.--Amending the 4th section of an act incorporating £88 Jefferson Insurance Company of Albemarle; providing for taking the sense of the people of Henrico upon giving authority to the County Court to raise by loan $2,500 for arming the county: authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, dec'd, late Sheriff of Harrison county; amending an act concerning colporteurs. Resolutions.--The following resolutions were read and referred: By Mr. Wilson, of amending chapter 198 of the Code of Virginia, so as the more effectually to prevent the circulation of abolition and incendiary publications; by Mr. Magruder, of amending the 8th section, chapter 200, of the new edition of the Code; by Mr. Alderson, of making an appropriation on the two and three-fifths principle to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha, in Braxton county. Petitions, &c., Presented and Referred.--By Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of certain citizens of Henr
W. D. Reynolds. Petersburg. John Kevan. Chas. Corling, Andrew Dunn, John McGill. T. O. Hinton, R. R. Collier, T. C. Elder. Fredericksburg. J. H. Wallace, John Coakley. Samuel Gordon, Joseph Alsop. W. S. Barton, John J. Chew, W. Roy Mason, Jr. Farmville. Clem. C. Read. Chas. D. Anderson, John T. Thornton, Jas. McNutt. J. J. Walker, N. H. Cobbs, Jas. B. Hilliard. Danville. Wm. L. Green, John W. Paxton, Thos. D. Stokes, John R. Wilson. A. G. Taylor, J. F. Hobson, J. W. Holland. Lynchburg. John M. Speed, W. L. Morris, Jno. S. Langhorne, David W. Burton. Thos. J. Kirkpatrick, Wm. H. Hall. H. F. Bocock. Blacksburg. Jas. R. Kent, Jas. N. Otey, W. R. Perfator, Geo. R. Evans. Henry Ribble, D. H. Hoge, Frs. Anderson. Alexandria. Wm. Gregory, C. F. Suttle, F. L. Smith, C. C. Smoot. Turner Dixon, J. M. Johnson, J. H. Brent. Winchester. Ro. L. Baker, Patrick Sm
Runaway in jail. --Was committed to the jail of the county of Westmoreland, on the 20th of May last, a Negro Man. calling himself James Toliver. The said Negroes of a tawny complexion, and is about 5 feet 6 inches high, and about 26 years old; no scars of note about his person. The said Negro had on when committed a red flannel shirt, dark grey cost, and black pants. He was sold from this county in October, 1860,by Mr. John R. Wilson, to (he says) Mr. Andrew Jones, of Wilmington, N. C. from which place he ran away; but that Mr. Jones lives now in Richmond. The owner of said Negro will come forward, prove property, now charges, and take him away, else he will be dealt with as the law directs. Geo. W. Goldsby, Acting Jailor je 26--2aw6w* Westmoreland county. Va.
Wm H Macfarland, J. E. Wadsworth, Edwin Wortham, Jas Dunlop, A. Y. Stokes, S. C. Robinson, Wm. Rutherfoord Robt A. Mayo, Jas. B. Dupuy, Petersburg. John Kevan, Peter McEnry, Andrew Dann, Chas. Corling. W. L. Lancaster, Jas. M. Venable, P. H. Booth. Fredericksburg. J. H. Wallace, Jos. Alsop, John D. Stansbery, Robt B. Reanolds, John J. Chew, A. K. Phillips, John Coakley. Danville. W. S. Green, Thos. D. Stokes, W. C. Paxton, John R. Wilson, E. B. Estes, Jacob Davis, Wm T Clark. Lynchburg John M Speed, Ambrose B Rucke, Jno. S. Langhorne, Jno. T. Davis. Wm. H. Hall, Wm. A. Miller, Edwin R. Page. Farmeille. Clement C. Read, E. Wittse, James Lyle, Stephen O. Southall, Wm. H. Middleton, J. L. Walker, Richard S. Paulett. Blacksburg. J. R. Kent, E. J. Arniss, W. R. Perfater, W. G. Hall, John Black, Henry Ribble, George Evans. Winchester. Robert L. Baker, Jas.