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rses with. Such wanton destruction of the property of a suffering institution of learning cannot be too severely reprehended. I am glad to know that the General commanding is determined to put the seal of condemnation of such conduct. I learn that it is proposed during the war to pay for the property, and have the institution ready to go into operation when peace comes. Rev. Mr. Walton is now prosecuting successfully in Greenbrier an agency for the college. You are probably aware that Gov. Wise earnestly recommended the Blue as the seat of a great Western Virginia College. I have been exceedingly gratified at the spirit of this people. There may be some Unionists in Greenbrier, but they are in a miserable moral and numerical minority. On the other hand, the loyal citizens are erect with hope and courage. I asked a good many what they thought of the new State. The reply generally was, "It is impossible." Two officers, at different times, used substantially this language: