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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Edwin Wortham or search for Edwin Wortham in all documents.
Your search returned 1 result in 1 document section:
Appointments of Bank Directors.
--The following appointments of Directors for the year 1864 by the Executive and Stockholders of the Farmers' Bank and Bank of Virginia, of Richmond and their branches, have recently been made:
Farmers' Bank.
By the Stockholders.
By The Executive.
Wm H Macfarland,
J. E. Wadsworth,
Edwin Wortham,
Jas Dunlop,
A. Y. Stokes,
S. C. Robinson,
Wm. Rutherfoord
Robt A. Mayo,
Jas. B. Dupuy,
John Kevan,
Peter McEnry,
Andrew Dann,
Chas. Corling.
W. L. Lancaster,
Jas. M. Venable,
P. H. Booth.
J. H. Wallace,
Jos. Alsop,
John D. Stansbery,
Robt B. Reanolds,
John J. Chew,
A. K. Phillips,
John Coakley.
W. S. Green,
Thos. D. Stokes,
W. C. Paxton,
John R. Wilson,
E. B. Estes,
Jacob Davis,
Wm T Clark.
John M Speed,
Ambrose B Rucke,
Jno. S. Langhorne,
Jno. T. Davis.
Wm. H. Hall,
Wm. A. Miller,
Edwin R. Page.