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Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 7: the Gettysburg campaign (search)
d the little distance between the lines made the firing of the Confederate skirmishers exceedingly annoying. They were located in a wheatfield behind the shocks, and along a rocky ledge. Three strong mortised fences and a field of standing wheat separated the opposing forces at one point. About 5 P. M. Companies I and E of the 121st and a detachment of the 5th Maine were ordered on skirmish duty and Captain Cronkite, being the senior officer of the detail, reported for instructions to General Wright then in command of the 1st Division. The General led to the nearest elevation and pointed to the position of the enemy's skirmish line, said, Captain, the sun is now an hour high, and you must occupy that ledge before sunset. Some minor instructions followed, and immediately after the line was deployed and moved forward on the run with orders not to fire until the last fence was passed. The men were obliged to scale fences and run through the standing wheat and on reaching the last f
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 9: under Grant in the Wilderness (search)
kesman in a threatening attitude. This action resulted in the surrender of three of the Rebs who were taken to the rear by Frank Piper and another comrade. The others retreated. Before the attack was checked, however, the headquarters of General Sedgwick had been nearly reached. It is related that an officer rode excitedly to General Grant and told him that the 6th Corps had been cut to pieces and routed. His reply was a quiet, I don't believe it ; but afterwards when he first saw General Wright he greeted him with the exclamation, Why, I heard that you had gone to Richmond. After the fighting ceased Colonel Upton collected the scattered members of the 121st and re-formed the brigade. When this attack began the 121st was engaged in throwing up earthworks and the arms of half the regiment were stacked while the men worked. The other half stood under arms. When the alarm was given, the men at work were ordered in line, but before they could get to and seize their guns, the a
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 10: the tenth of May (search)
f meeting the gallant soldier, who was chief of General Wright's staff at the time of this assault at Spottsyl'll tell you why. On the 9th of May I rode with General Wright to army headquarters. When we arrived there weortly after our arrival General Meade informed General Wright that he had ordered a general attack along the cer locate the most favorable point of attack. General Wright was informed that Burnside's Corps, Mott's divin his front. With this order and understanding General Wright rode away to make the necessary arrangements fos skirmishers into their works. Riding back to General Wright I met Colonel Tompkins, chief of the Corps' artthe works were ours. I immediately galloped to General Wright and reported that Upton had got through and tak telegraphed to headquarters. At the same time General Wright received a dispatch stating that the attack hadefully, put them in my pocket. I then went to General Wright and said to him, General, you remember when Col
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 13: Cold Harbor (search)
n the top of a tree and glancing down. One of our men, Webster, of Company I was wounded in this way. He was lying on his back against a pine, reading his Bible, when a bullet struck him in the eye, destroying it and passing through the roof of his mouth into it, from which he spat it out. Another was struck on the brass plate of his cross belt and seriously hurt. A number of others received lesser injuries. On the third of June we formed for a charge. We were in the trenches when Generals Wright and Russell, and some staff and engineer officers passed along the line of works and attracted considerable attention from our men as well as from the Rebels who frequently sent lead messages to them as they exposed themselves. They spent considerable time in the trenches to the left of us talking to General Upton. Shortly after they went away, word was passed along that the order to charge had been countermanded at this place. Generals Russell and Upton deeming the position too str
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 14: from Cold Harbor to Petersburg (search)
could get into the shanty was acting as clerk for himself, and it took but a few moments to clean out the whole outfit. The sutler begged to be left a comb to comb his hair with, but I doubt if his petition was granted. I secured some hot pies and some canned goods. An effort was made by some officers to discover who had perpetrated this outrage, as it was called, but without any success. We remained at Bermuda Hundred waiting an order to attack. It was reported on the 18th that General Wright and General Butler had quarreled, but it had no influence upon our movements. On the morning of the 19th we crossed the river and marched to the Petersburg front, to the vicinity of the Petersburg and Norfolk Railroad, which position we occupied, relieving some of General Martindale's division of the Eighteenth Corps. At daylight on the 20th firing began on our front, and a battery just to our right kept up a continuous fire. Shortly after sunrise a Rebel picket came into our lines.
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 15: from Petersburg to Harper's Ferry (search)
om Petersburg to Harper's Ferry Ordered to Washington reception at Washington at Fort Stevens Lincoln and General Wright pursuit of Early to Snickersville Ford Early advance The Fourth of July was duly celebrated along the lines in f President Lincoln was riding to the front while the 6th Corps was marching up Seventh street and was soon joined by General Wright, and together they went on to Fort Stevens, on the rampart of which the President stood surveying the scene until urged almost imperatively by General Wright to leave that exposed position. Colonel Beckwith gives the best account of what immediately followed that I have seen. The day was exceedingly hot and that made the marching in the thick dust very hard afwe had left the pavements of the city. When the sound of musketry reached us just before reaching Brightwood, we saw General Wright stopping by the road side with a gentleman whom we immediately recognized as President Lincoln. He answered our gree
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 16: with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley (search)
have driven them out. Besides they had fine breastworks to protect them. That they expected to give us a very warm reception, was evidenced by the fact that they had arranged cartridges along their breastworks for rapid use. They did not take time to gather them up. They also left several cannon behind. We captured several prisoners and had only two men hurt in the whole affair. As soon as we got over their works, we formed and moved forward in pursuit. About this time Generals Sheridan, Wright and others with their staff officers rode onto the field near us and engaged in some congratulatory talk. We all believed that Early's army was completely broken up and pushed on after them with eager steps. General Gordon says of this battle that the position at Fisher's Hill was considered impregnable, and the battle was lost by the fault of an unprotected flank. That term covers a large number of strategic disasters. At Chancellorsville it was the cause of Hooker's disaster. In the
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 17: with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley (continued). Cedar Creek (search)
at any time disorganized, that it fell back to a more favorable position in good order, that General Wright had succeeded in rallying a large portion of the 19th Corps and considerable of the 8th, and determination to an army, even in a time of extreme hazard. But the reputation and work of General Wright, commanding the army in the absence of General Sheridan, have not received the credit that wd got up and stretched myself and took a look about. Looking towards the Belle Grove House, General Wright's headquarters and extending my gaze to the right over the line of camps, I noticed they werd written about the battle of Cedar Creek, but none of the Union writers have given to General Horatio G. Wright, our corps commander, and the commander of the army during that trying and terrible dage and skill which saved the army from utter defeat. (General Gordon, however, gives to General Wright the credit of having restored the morale of the demoralized corps and bringing the army of t
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 18: back to Petersburg and winter quarters (search)
the brigade. Approved, by General Wheaton, commanding the division, I think it greatly for the interest of the division that the 121st New York Regiment be filled. Its services have been most marked and conspicuous, not surpassed by any regiment I can name, and its gallant commander is entitled by continuous and valuable services to be mustered as Colonel, he having held the commission for more than a year, and has frequently commanded a brigade in battle, and with great credit. By Gen. H. G. Wright, commanding the corps, Respectfully forwarded, with urgent request that recruits or drafted men sufficient to fill up this regiment be promptly assigned to it. And I hereby endorse all that has been said by Generals McKenzie and Wheaton in regard to the services and standing of the regiment, and the merits of its commander. General Meade forwarded it to Washington with this endorsement: It is especially requested that this regiment may be specially designated to be filled up by assign
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 19: the capture of Petersburg by 6th Corps (search)
harge of the 121st. Longstreet's account of the battle verifies this statement. He says: Anderson crossed Sailor's Creek, closely followed by Ewell. As Anderson marched he found Merritt's cavalry square across his route. Humphreys, who was close upon Ewell, waited for the arrival of the 6th Corps. Ewell deployed his divisions, Kershaw on the right, G. W. C. Lee on the left. Their plan was that Anderson should attack and open the way while Ewell defended the rear. As Anderson attacked, Wright's corps came up. Humphreys had matured his plan, and the attack of Anderson hastened that of the enemy upon the Confederate rear. Anderson had some success at first, and Ewell received the assaults with resolute coolness, and at one moment pushed his fight to aggressive return, but the enemy, finding that there was no artillery with the Confederates, dashed their batteries into closer range, putting in artillery and infantry fire, front and flank, until the Confederate rear was crushed to f