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to £ 40.’
We have not attempted to verify the account of Thomas Tufts, to be found in Brook's History of Medford, and Wyman's Charlestown Genealogies.
He graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1701.
While there he received £ 40 per yea8, and the following January 29 he married Emma, daughter of Captain Samuel Phipps. Thomas Tufts died December 26, 1733.
Wyman records the births of his children.
December 25, 1704, it would appear that the school was again without a teacher, foandfather, John Stedman's. Other children of Samuel Burr were John, Samuel, Jr., and Rebecca.
Against the name of the widow Wyman has recorded many land transactions.
She left a will, dated September 20, 1754.
The family genealogy says that Mr. enty.
He was admitted to the Charlestown church December 12, 1714.
He seems to have been twice married, if we may trust Wyman's account, which also gives the names and dates of birth of his children.
His father, Robert Ward, Sr., was from the cou
, 80
Charlestown, Bounds of15
Charlestown, Burning of14
Charlestown, Cemetery in15
Charlestown Church65
Charlestown Grammar School19
Charlestown, History of, Wyman19, 20, 61, 65
Charlestown, Incorporation of15
Charlestown Navy Yard, The56
Charlestown Neck14, 21, 91
Charlestown School, The58
Charlestown School, First15
Cell, Rev. William, Compensation of16
Woburn, Mass.14, 53, 54
Wood, Alexander, Place of45
Woodbridge, Col.94
Worcester Academy100
Wyer, Robert62
Wyman, Constant (Starr)19
Wyman's History of Charlestown19, 20, 61, 65
Yeaton, Herbert Pierce49
Yorkshire, England11
Young Men's Christian Association, Boston4
YoutCompensation of16
Woburn, Mass.14, 53, 54
Wood, Alexander, Place of45
Woodbridge, Col.94
Worcester Academy100
Wyer, Robert62
Wyman, Constant (Starr)19
Wyman's History of Charlestown19, 20, 61, 65
Yeaton, Herbert Pierce49
Yorkshire, England11
Young Men's Christian Association, Boston4
Youth's Companion,