Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903. You can also browse the collection for Wyman or search for Wyman in all documents.

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. It is not unlikely that they are of Norwegian descent, and went to England in the time of the Vikings. Branches are found in England, Scotland, and Ireland. The earliest settler of the name in America, and the progenitor of by far the largest branch of the family in this country, came from England. Precisely what part of England he came from is not known; but there are indications pointing to the southern part of Norfolk county as his native place. When he came is likewise unknown. Wyman says that he was an inhabitant in 1638. He kept the Ferry between Charlestown and Malden with his brother-in-law, Bridges, in 1646-7, but we have not been able to find any mention of him prior to that date. We do know, however, that he began to buy land in Charlestown and Malden between the years 1645 and '50, and that he continued to increase his holdings at short intervals till his death in 1700, at which time he was the largest landholder in Maiden. He appears not to have owned much, i
ntral Massachusetts, and was a physician, manufacturer, representative, state senator, and justice of the court of sessions. We have thus imperfectly thrown together a few memorials, partly of record, partly hearsay, regarding a family that once owned more than a tenth part of the acreage of our territory, who were so numerous that at evening parties of sixty or seventy persons, on Winter Hill, there would be none but Tuftses or their relatives present, and a family that, in the words of Wyman, may justly be considered among the benefactors to the material interests of the town. That there should have been such a concentration of one family in Charlestown, Medford, and Malden as in the case of the Tuftses is natural and incident to the undeveloped condition of the country. But when the country became settled, and means of communication became easy, it was likewise natural that a family should scatter far and wide through all the northern and western, and most of the southern sta