Found occurrences of 349 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:
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Entity | Max. Freq. ⇩ | Min. Freq. ⇩ | ||
Abraham Lincoln | 14 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Butler | 10 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
United States (United States) | 10 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Nassau River (Florida, United States) | 10 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) | 8 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
George Bunker | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
John C. Allen | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
J. E. Wadsworth | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Robert Richardson | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
David Dawson | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
J. Davis | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Jefferson (West Virginia, United States) | 6 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Danville (Virginia, United States) | 5 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Bonetta Forbes | 5 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Rockingham, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Point Lookout, Md. (Maryland, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
George Montgomery | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Lee | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Mary Alice | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Cosby | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Johnson's Island (Ohio, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
France (France) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Jonathan T. Davis | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Lavinia | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Libby | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
West Indies | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Robert Y. Conrad | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
California (California, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Robt A. Mayo | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Philip Williams | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Baltimore City (Maryland, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Jacob Davis | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Schenck | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Chatham (Massachusetts, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Clarke (Virginia, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Richard Steele | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
David Island (Maine, United States) | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
James Buchanan | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Hill | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
S. C. Robinson | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
William B. Jones | 4 | 0 | Browse in all documents | |
Jackson | 3 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Jetersville (Virginia, United States) | 3 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Martha Cook | 3 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Caroline Allan | 3 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Blackford | 3 | 1 | Browse in all documents | |
Haney | 3 | 3 | Browse in all documents |