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eedom was in a sensation, the telegraph keeping them electrified — and the sequel, including the startling and delightful trick of the Grant party, was the very "excelsior," the "upi de," the "upi di, "of Yankee humbug! Such an event was a Godsend! The nation was happy! Now, what sort of honor is this for a General! If Grant accepts it, he is nothing but a Yankee after all. He certainly can have no lofty ambition and no very elevated notions of true honor. Such a sword might do honor to Fremont, or Burnside, or Milroy, or even Butter; but we had thought a little batter of Grant. But McClellan's friends, although out jockeyed in the great sword race, are determined that their own Mac. shall have a sword too. We learn by late New York papers that they are getting up a grand subscription (everything the Yankees do is "grand") to buy a sword that shall be as superb and costly as Grant's. Robert E. Lee can never be defeated in the field by men who wear such swords as these!
From North Georgia. Dalton, May 5. --Contrary to all expectations, the enemy have advanced but little to-day. One division of Hooker's corps is at Lee & Gordon's mills. Palmer's corps and one division are in front of Tunnel Hill, occupying our old picket station; Howard's corps and two divisions between Varnett's Station and Red Clay, all busily engaged outing roads, can swaying, and building bridges, Their advance will be necessarily very slow, Numerous deserters have come into our lines to day and given themselves up, saying that their time expires from the 10th to the 12th and none of them will fight in the approaching engagements.
nday, and hopes were entertained of his recovery. General Evans will be remembered as the former commander of Fort Sumter. He was recently made a Brigadier. Latest from Petersburg. The object of the flag of truce sent by the enemy to General Lee's headquarters on Sunday afternoon was to ask permission to bury their dead. This was granted, and accordingly hostilities were suspended yesterday morning from five to nine o'clock, and this period was occupied by the Yankees in burying theiver, may be accounted for by the rapid movements of the army, which leave the commanding general no leisure to forward dispatches to the authorities here. Rumor has it that the Confederates were at Boonsboro', Maryland, on Wednesday last; but General Lee's dispatch, published two days ago, shows that our troops occupied Martinsburg on Thursday--so that rumor falls to the ground. A "reliable" gentleman reports that heavy firing was distinctly heard on the Potomac on Friday, supposed to be in t
500 Dollars reward. --Attention of officers called — Ran away, in May last, my servant Claiborne, mulatto; about 5 feet 8 inches high; very stout built; heavy head of hair and generally dresses very fine. Has been in the service with me for 3 years is well acquainted with camp life and a fine officers' servant. I suspect he is with the army of Gen. Lee. The above reward will be given for his security so that I get him. He wears a Yankee overcoat. J. Peyton, Richmond. au 1--eod8t
500 Dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscriber about the 1st of February last boy John, about 14 or 15 years old, light copper color, with short, straight hair; had on when he left a new suit of cotton clothes, dyed snuff color. John was purchased of Dr. Wright, of Alabama. I have no doubt he is with our army. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Lee & Bowmen, Richmond, Va. or secured in any jail so that I get him. Wm. H. Gwin. jy 14--1m
t for revenge against their people, their masters, who have ever treated them with kindness and humanity. Now, they do this by the most extravagant falsehoods concerning the conduct of our men, under Forrest, at Fort Pillow. Thus exciting those ill-fated blacks (whom they have robbed of homes such as they never can give them,) with imaginary wrongs and outrages, and making them drunk with liquor, they hound them on to the attack of the Southern soldiers — to attack the men commanded by Robert E. Lee, the soldier without reproach, and the Christian gentleman without stain and without dishonor. In the whole history of this war not one act of unnecessary harshness even can be charged to this peerless commander.--His humanity is overflowing, and his desire to spare the effusion of blood has lost him many advantages which he permitted, for that sentiment, unavailed to pass by. He governs an army of heroes — a braver or more chivalrous body of men were never ranged in line of battle. Ag
ht to be directed, if it has not already been. Only a single one of them has been lost while under the command of officers of the navy! Officers of the navy, in the meanwhile, have commanded many of them and made many trips. The Coquette, for instance, which was the most indifferent of all our ships, and which has now been sold, made nine round trips under the command of Lieutenant Carter, and saved them every one, clearing for the Government at least six hundred thousand dollars. The Robert E. Lee, the best ship we had, was successful in all her numerous trips, as long as she was under the command of Lieutenant Wilkinson. The first trip she made after the command had been transferred to a person who was not an officer of the navy she was beached and captured, or sunk. While the officers of the navy have been successful in all their many trips except one, every ship not commanded by an officer of the navy has been lost. The inference is irresistible. None but officers of t
Five hundred dollars reward — attention of Offices called. --Ran away, in May last, my servant, Claiborne; mulatto; about five feet eight inches high, very stout built, heavy head of hair, and generally dresses very fine. He has been in the service with me for three years, is well acquainted with camp life, and a fine officer's servant. I suspect he is with the army of General Lee. The above reward will be paid for his security so that I get him. He wears a Yankee overcoat. J. Peyton, Richmond. au 1--eod8t*
eral Heth's right, also drove the enemy, capturing two stands of colors and about five hundred prisoners, including five colonels and thirteen other officers. "R. E. Lee." It appears that although the enemy were driven back about a mile and severely punished they still held the captured works on the Squirrel Level roadr 1, 1864. "General Early reports that all of the enemy's cavalry has retired towards Harrisonburg, and that there is now no enemy south of North river. "R. E. Lee." North river is the north branch of the Shenandoah, and has its source in Rockingham county, from which it flows by comparative courses north northeae direction of Jonesboro'.--At Carter's station he was repulsed by General Vaughn. Colonel Diltner is operating against the body advancing up the Sandy river. "R. E. Lee." The Watauga river, mentioned in the above dispatch, has its source in Ashe county, North Carolina, flows northwesterly into Tennessee, and enters th
him with every opprobrious epithet — men who have tasted of that insane root, the obtaining of high office at home or abroad, may tell us, to the disgust of all patriotic men, that "it is not too much to say, 'that it would be far better that Robert E. Lee should enter Washington at the head of his army, as its conqueror, than that George B. McClellan should enter it as President'" A ludicrously inconsistent and even illogical premier, the half of whose official papers and speeches answer the oontain intelligence of the capture of the remnant of Early's army and the victorious progress of Sheridan towards Lynchburg. The reinforcements going to him afford ample protection for all supplies required, and will enable him to defeat any Army Lee can send to oppose him. The New York gold Market — fall in gold. Some speculators in Wall street got very rich on Monday last. They started a report that Farragut had captured Mobile, and by that means "beared" gold down in a few minute