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Your search returned 263 results in 187 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The intercepted dispatches. (search)
Further Successes at the West.
more destruction of the enemy's Supplies and Bands by our cavalry.
The following dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday:
Tullahoma, January 22--Lieutenant Colonel Hutchinson, with one hundred men of Morgan's cavalry, made a dash, yesterday, upon the enemy's camp at Murfreesboro', and captured and brought off safely one hundred and fifty prisoners and thirty wagons.
Major Holman, of Wheeler's Cavalry, since the last report captured and destroyed another large transport on the Cumbered, loaded with subsistence.
The enemy has made no show of an advance from Murfreesboro'. (Signed) Branton Brago, General Commanding.
The Daily Dispatch: August 7, 1863., [Electronic resource], Progress of the war. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1863., [Electronic resource], Gen. Bragg 's Fitness for command--Gen. Joe Johnston 's opinion. (search)
From east Tennessee. Russellville, Jan. 21.
--One hundred and forty-three Yankees, captured in a recent skirmish, were sent forward to-day.
They state that Col. Tom Vincent, of the 9th Fl (Federal) cavalry, was shot and killed by Major W. T. Bradly and two other officers of the same regiment, a few days since, for cursing the policy of arming the negroes.--He said he would shoot the first negro he saw with a sword.
The artillery firing heard to-day was near Strawberry Plains.
Weather clear and pleasant.
[second Dispatch.] Russellville, Jan. 22.
--The trains crossed Watauga to day, which will enable them to run within a few miles of Greenville, where a small bridge has been built.
Our cavalry occupy Strawberry Plains.
Yesterday the enemy retired after burning the railroad bridge.
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Affairs in the Valley — vandalism of the Yankees , &c. (search)
Meridian, Jan. 22
--Advices from Vicksburg report that the Mississippi is blockaded at Greenville and Milliken's Bend, by our batteries.
Very few transports go down, and provisions have risen to exorbitantly high prices.
The steamer Ben Franklin was taken to Vicksburg recently by a gunboat with her crew in irons.
She was detected in crossing ordnance stores for the Confederates to the Louisiana shore.
A fight occurred at Bovina, Warren county, a short time since, between negro troops and whites.
The negroes killed a number of Yankees, when reinforcements arrived, charged the negroes, took their artillery, and opened on them with grape and canister.
Several hundred Yankees killed.
Sixty dollars reward.
--Ran away, on the 22d of January., 1865, from the Confederate States Nitre Works, Richmond, Lewis Harris and Sam Valentine, free negroes.--They live in Mecklenburg, and may have hired themselves to the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, to be employed at Keysville.
Deliver them to any jail and notify. E. Harrison, Richmond, Va. ja 27--6t