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Aristotle, Metaphysics 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Aristotle, Metaphysics. You can also browse the collection for 408 BC - 355 BC or search for 408 BC - 355 BC in all documents.

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Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book 12, section 1073b (search)
all now, to give some idea of the subject, quote what some of the mathematicians say, in order that there may be some definite number for the mind to grasp; but for the rest we must partly investigate for ourselves and partly learn from other investigators, and if those who apply themselves to these matters come to some conclusion which clashes with what we have just stated, we must appreciate both views, but follow the more accurate. EudoxusOf Cnidus (circa 408 -355 B.C.). He was a pupil of Plato, and a distinguished mathematician. held that the motion of the sun and moon involves in either case three spheres,For a full discussion of the theories of Eudoxus and Callipus see Dreyer, Planetary Systems 87-114; Heath,Aristarchus of Samos190-224. of which the outermost is that of the fixed stars,Not identical with that of the fixed stars, but having the same motion. the second revolves in the circle