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Thebes (Greece) 58 0 Browse Search
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Argos (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge). Search the whole document.

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Mycenae (Greece) (search for this): card 1067
ose shield you have always marched, warding off from him the enemy's darts? [What tidings are you here to bring me?] Is my son alive or dead? Tell me. Messenger He is alive, do not fear that, so that I may rid you of your terror. Jocasta Well? How is it with the seven towers that wall us in? Messenger They stand unshattered; the city is not plundered. Jocasta Have they been in jeopardy of the Argive spear? Messenger Yes, on the very brink; but our Theban warriors proved stronger than Mycenae's might. Jocasta One thing tell me, by the gods, if you know anything of Polyneices; for this too is my concern, if he is alive. Messenger As yet your sons are living, the pair of them. Jocasta God bless you! How did you succeed in beating off from our gates the Argive army, when beleaguered? Tell me, so that I may go within and cheer the old blind man, since our city is still safe. Messenger After Creon's son, who gave up his life for his country, had taken his stand on the turret's
Argive (Greece) (search for this): card 1067
hat wall us in? Messenger They stand unshattered; the city is not plundered. Jocasta Have they been in jeopardy of the Argive spear? Messenger Yes, on the very brink; but our Theban warriors proved stronger than Mycenae's might. Jocasta One thinyet your sons are living, the pair of them. Jocasta God bless you! How did you succeed in beating off from our gates the Argive army, when beleaguered? Tell me, so that I may go within and cheer the old blind man, since our city is still safe. Messs throat to save this land, your son told off seven companies with their captains to the seven gates to keep watch on the Argive warriors, and stationed cavalry to cover cavalry, and infantry to support infantry, so that assistance might be close at hand for any weak point in the walls. Then from our lofty towers we saw the Argive army with their white shields leaving Teumesus, and, when near the trench, they charged up to our Theban city at a run. In one loud burst from their ranks and from o