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Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
Olympia (Greece) | 384 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Athens (Greece) | 376 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Delphi (Greece) | 334 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Elis (Greece) | 310 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Greece (Greece) | 290 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Thebes (Greece) | 276 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Argos (Greece) | 256 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Peloponnesus (Greece) | 194 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Troy (Turkey) | 178 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Lacedaemon (Greece) | 162 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Pausanias, Description of Greece. Search the whole document.
Found 59 total hits in 19 results.
Tegea (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Persia (Iran) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Arcadia (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Sous (Czech Republic) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
So of the family of Eurysthenes, called the Agiadae, Cleomenes the son of Leonidas was the last king in Sparta. I will now relate what I have heard about the other house. Procles the son of Aristodemus called his son Sous, whose son Eurypon they say reached such a pitch of renown that this house, hitherto called the Procleidae, came to be named after him the Eurypontidae.
The son of Eurypon was Prytanis, in whose reign began the enmity of the Lacedaemonians against the Argives, although even before this quarrel they made war against the Cynurians. During the generations immediately succeeding this, while Eunomus the son of Prytanis and Polydectes the son of Eunomus were on the throne, Sparta continued at peace,
but Charillus the son of Polydectes devastated the land of the Argives—for he it was who invaded Argolis—and not many years afterwards, under the leadership of Charillus, took place the campaign of the Spartans against Tegea, when lured on by a deceptive oracle the Lacedaemonian
Attica (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Lacedaemon (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Thessaly (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Athens (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Messenia (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7
Peloponnesus (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 7