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Troy (Turkey) 80 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding). Search the whole document.

Found 12 total hits in 2 results.

Lycia (Turkey) (search for this): book 4, card 271
he left the Countrie where he dwelt And Ida that had fostered him. The pleasure that he felt To travell Countries, and to see straunge rivers with the state Of forren landes, all painfulnesse of travell did abate. He travelde through the lande of Lycie to Carie that doth bound Next unto Lycia. There he saw a Poole which to the ground Was Christall cleare. No fennie sedge, no barren reeke, no reede Nor rush with pricking poynt was there, nor other moorish weede. The water was so pure and shere Lycia. There he saw a Poole which to the ground Was Christall cleare. No fennie sedge, no barren reeke, no reede Nor rush with pricking poynt was there, nor other moorish weede. The water was so pure and shere a man might well have seene And numbred all the gravell stones that in the bottome beene. The utmost borders from the brim environd were with clowres Beclad with herbes ay fresh and greene and pleasant smelling flowres. A Nymph did haunt this goodly Poole: but such a Nymph as neyther To hunt, to run, nor yet to shoote, had any kinde of pleasure. Of all the Waterfairies she alonly was unknowne To swift Diana. As the bruit of fame abrode hath blowne, Hir sisters oftentimes would
Jupiter (Canada) (search for this): book 4, card 271
ll not speake: it is to knowe: ne yet I doe entende To tell how Scython variably digressing from his kinde, Was sometime woman, sometime man, as liked best his minde. And Celmus also wyll I passe, who for bicause he cloong Most faithfully to Jupiter when Jupiter was yoong, Is now become an Adamant. So will I passe this howre To shew you how the Curets were engendred of a showre: Or how that Crocus and his love faire Smylax turned were To little flowres. With pleasant newes your mindes Jupiter was yoong, Is now become an Adamant. So will I passe this howre To shew you how the Curets were engendred of a showre: Or how that Crocus and his love faire Smylax turned were To little flowres. With pleasant newes your mindes now will I chere. Learne why the fountaine Salmacis diffamed is of yore, Why with his waters overstrong it weakeneth men so sore That whoso bathes him there commes thence a perfect man no more. The operation of this Well is knowne to every wight. But few can tell the cause thereof, the which I will recite. The waternymphes did nurce a sonne of Mercuries in Ide Begot on Venus, in whose face such beautie did abide, As well therein his father both and mother might be knowne, Of whome he a