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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley). Search the whole document.

Found 21 total hits in 3 results.

Pharsalia (New York, United States) (search for this): book 9, card 215
t shore; ' Untamed Cilician, is thy course now set ' For Ocean theft again; Pompeius gone, ' Pirate art thou once more? ' Then all the air Hummed with the murmur of the throng; and one Resolved on flight thus answered, ' Pardon, chief, ' Twas love of Magnus, not of civil war, ' That led us to the fight: his side was ours: ' With him whom all the world preferred to peace, ' Our cause is perished. Let us seek our homes ' Long since unseen, our children and our wives. If nor the rout on dread Pharsalia's field Nor yet Pompeius' death shall close the war, Whence comes the end? Our span of life is fled: Give death safe haven, give old age his pyre. Scarce even to its captains civil strife Concedes due burial. Nor in our defeat Does Fortune threaten us with the savage yoke Of distant nations. In the garb of Rome And with her rights, I leave thee. Who had been Second to Magnus living, he shall be My first hereafter: to that sacred shade Be the prime honour. Chance of war appoints My lord but
Cyrene (Libya) (search for this): book 9, card 215
ght On thyme to taste its bitterness-then rings The Phrygian gong-at once they pause aloft Astonied; and with love of toil resumed Through all the flowers for their honey store In ceaseless wanderings search; the shepherd joys, Sure that th' Hyblaean mead for him has kept His cottage store, the riches of his home. Now in the active conduct of the war Were brought to discipline their minds, untaught To bear repose; first on the sandy shore Toiling they learned fatigue: then stormed thy walls, Cyrene; prizeless, for to Cato's mind 'Twas prize enough to conquer. Juba next He bids approach, though Nature on the path Had placed the Syrtes; which his sturdy heart Aspired to conquer. Either at the first When Nature gave the universe its form She left this region neither land nor sea; Not wholly shrunk, so that it should receive The ocean flood; nor firm enough to stand Against its buffets-all the pathless coast Lies in uncertain shape; earth by the deep Is parted from the land; on sandy banks
Cato (New York, United States) (search for this): book 9, card 215
hief Cilician called them to desert the camp. They seize upon their ships and float the wave; But Cato hailed them from the nearest shore; ' Untamed Cilician, is thy course now set ' For Ocean theft a That civil war Which while Pompeius lived was loyalty Is impious now. Let country lead thee on, 'Cato, and public right; but let us seek ' The standards of the Consul.' Thus he spake And with him leadone, For all the shore was stirring with a crowd Athirst for slavery. But burst these words From Cato's blameless breast: ' Then with like vows ' As Caesar's rival host ye too did seek ' A lord and murchase thus with blood 'Your claim on Caesar. 'Tis a dastard crime; ' Flight without slaughter!' Cato thus recalled The parting vessels. So when bees in swarm Desert their empty comb, forget the hiven the sandy shore Toiling they learned fatigue: then stormed thy walls, Cyrene; prizeless, for to Cato's mind 'Twas prize enough to conquer. Juba next He bids approach, though Nature on the path Had p