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Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 111
Pechey-cony, wearing their haire by his description after the Irish fashion. From Pechey-cony to Joult Calmachey three dayes journey, & from thence to Chorno Callachay three dayes tending to the Southeast. These two people are of the Tartarian faith, and tributaries to the great Can. Here follow certaine countreys of the Samoeds which dwell upon the river Ob, and upon the sea coasts beyond the same, taken out of the Russe tongue word by word, and travailed by a Russe borne in Colmogro, whose name was Pheodor Towtigin, who by report, was slaine in his second voyage in one of the said countreys. UPON the East part beyond the countrey of Ugori, the river Ob is the most Westermost part thereof. Upon the sea coast dwell Samoeds, and their countrey is called Molgomsey, whose meate is flesh of Olens, or Harts, and Fish, and doe eate one another sometimes among themselves. And if any Marchants come unto them, then they kill one of their children for their sakes to feast them
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 111
d Johnson (which was at Boghar with M. Anthony Jenkinson) of the reports of Russes and other strangers, of the wayes of Russia to Cathaya, and of divers and strange people. The first note given by one named Sarnichoke a Tartarian subject to twhich are also Tartars bordering upon Kizilbash or Persia, declaring the way from Astracan, being the furthest part of Russia , to Cathaya as foloweth. FIRST from Astracan to Serachick by land, travailing by leysure as Merchants use with wares, ies aforesaid, but wolves white and blacke. And because that woods are not of such quantitie there, as in these parts of Russia , but in maner rather scant then plentiful, as is reported, the Beares breed not that way, but some other beasts (as nane at Cathay the way before written, and also another way neere the sea coast, as foloweth, which note was sent out of Russia from Giles Holmes. FIRST from the province of Dwina is knowen the way to Pechora, and from Pechora traveiling with Olen
Chersonese (Ukraine) (search for this): narrative 111
ndise are Sables, white and blacke Foxes (which the Russes call Pselts) and Harts skinnes, and Fawnes skinnes. The relation of Chaggi Memet a Persian Marchant, to Baptista Ramusius, and other notable citizens of Venice , touching the way from Tauris the chiefe citie of Persia, to Campion a citie of Cathay over land: in which voyage he himselfe had passed before with the Caravans. FROM Tauris to Soltania.6 dayes journey. From Soltania to Casbin.4 From Casbin to Veremi. 6 From Veremi tTauris to Soltania.6 dayes journey. From Soltania to Casbin.4 From Casbin to Veremi. 6 From Veremi to Eri. 15 From Eri to Boghara. 20 From Boghara to Samarchand. 5 From Samarchand to Cascar. 25 From Cascar to Acsu. 20 From Acsu to Cuchi.20 From Cuchi to Chialis. 10 From Chialis to Turfon. 10 From Turfon to Camul. 13 From Camul to Succuir. 15 From Succuir to Gauta. 5 From Gauta to Campion. 6 Which Campion is a citie of the Empire of Cathay in the province of Tangut, from whence the greatest quantitie of Rubarbe commeth.
Russe (Bulgaria) (search for this): narrative 111
ner rather scant then plentiful, as is reported, the Beares breed not that way, but some other beasts (as namely one in Russe called Barse) are in those coasts. This Barse appeareth by a skinne of one seene here to sell, to be nere so great as a by land, and in the Sommer as much by water to the river of Ob. The Ob is a river full of flats, the mouth of it is 70. Russe miles over. And from thence three dayes journey on the right hand is a place called Chorno-lese, to say in English, blackrtaine countreys of the Samoeds which dwell upon the river Ob, and upon the sea coasts beyond the same, taken out of the Russe tongue word by word, and travailed by a Russe borne in Colmogro, whose name was Pheodor Towtigin, who by report, was Russe borne in Colmogro, whose name was Pheodor Towtigin, who by report, was slaine in his second voyage in one of the said countreys. UPON the East part beyond the countrey of Ugori, the river Ob is the most Westermost part thereof. Upon the sea coast dwell Samoeds, and their countrey is called Molgomsey, whose meate is fle
Venice (Italy) (search for this): narrative 111
moeds in like maner, having another language. One moneth in the yeere they live in the sea, and doe not come or dwell on the dry land for that moneth. 3 Item beyond these people, on the sea coast, there is another kinde of Samoeds, their meate is flesh and fish, and their merchandise are Sables, white and blacke Foxes (which the Russes call Pselts) and Harts skinnes, and Fawnes skinnes. The relation of Chaggi Memet a Persian Marchant, to Baptista Ramusius, and other notable citizens of Venice , touching the way from Tauris the chiefe citie of Persia, to Campion a citie of Cathay over land: in which voyage he himselfe had passed before with the Caravans. FROM Tauris to Soltania.6 dayes journey. From Soltania to Casbin.4 From Casbin to Veremi. 6 From Veremi to Eri. 15 From Eri to Boghara. 20 From Boghara to Samarchand. 5 From Samarchand to Cascar. 25 From Cascar to Acsu. 20 From Acsu to Cuchi.20 From Cuchi to Chialis. 10 From Chialis to