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Syria (Syria) (search for this): narrative 124
I am friendly used with the best. I was asked by the Shaugh if you were able to bring him yeerly one hundred thousand pieces of kersies, and clothes. And I answered him, saying, your worships were able to furnish his countrey with two hundred thousand. Whereat his Highnesse rejoyced: for the Turkes Ambassador the last yere, as divers have told me, did put the Shaugh in despaire, saying, that the Turke would not permit any cloth to be brought into his countrey. There is a citie in Syria named Aleppo, wherein continually are many Venetians dwelling, besides other that come yeerely and there buy wools, gals, tallow, saffron, skins, cotton wooll, and other wares, and great store of spices. Also the Armenians yeerly receive at the Venetians hands, karsies in barter for rawe silks, giving sometimes 60. pieces of karsies for 70. batmans of silke of this countrey, and 40. pieces for Grosin silke. And karsies sold commonly for ready money in Aleppo, at 11. and 12. duckets the piece
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 124
you and yours: you shall understand that the second of March I was sent by M. Thomas Glover (your Agent) unto Jeraslave, appointed to receive such goods as should come from Vologhda, as also such kinde of wares as should be bought and sent from Mosco by your Agent, and M. Edward Clarke, thought meete for your voyage of Persia. And further, I was to provide for biscuit, beere, and beefe, and other victuals, and things otherwayes needful according to advise. Thus I remained here until the commithe Agent shall appoint, although he were such a one as you should thinke in some respects unmeete. Thirtie two packes of carseis are all of that kinde of cloth that we shall have with us. The other 18. packs that should have gone, were sold in Mosco. What other goods are shipped for our voyage, you shall understand by your Agents letters. Whereas Edward Clarke (being an honest man) was appointed Agent for Persia, as one for those parts more fit then any I do know here, God hath taken him unt
Ormus (Iran) (search for this): narrative 124
tale, and perceive the same to be true, and that all kind of wares come from thence into these parts. And from Casbin to Ormus, is about 30. daies travelling with camels. I have written the prices of wares in my letter to the governour both for spi. I doubt not but there will be profite and good done in spices, with drugs and other like in time. From Casbin to Ormus is six weeks travel, and from hence to Casbin is 16. dayes with camels laden: but if one travell with a good Mule unladen, it may be gone in seven or eight dayes. And I thinke to Ormus and other places, may be travelled in like order and proportion, with cattel unladen. But here in all places as men travel, they must carie their owne provision on horses, which they arr things, whatsoever should have chanced of me, I would then have become servant to mine Interpreter, and so have gone to Ormus and Aleppo, which both joyne on the borders of this countrey, being the chiefe Mart townes, whereunto from all places mer
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 124
letter of Arthur Edwards to M. Thomas Nicols, Secretarie to the worshipful company trading into Russia and other the North parts, concerning the preparation of their voyage into Persia. MASTER NICOLd in his absence to M. Thomas Nicols, Secretarie to the right worshipfull companie trading into Russia , Persia, and other the North and East partes, touching the successe of Richard Johnson in the to the right worshipfull the Governours, Consuls, Assistants, and generalitie of the companie of Russia , &c. Shewing his accesse unto the Emperour of Persia, his conference with him, his obtaining oft his returne in his first voiage out of Persia, to the right worshipfull Companie trading into Russia , Persia, and other the North and Northeast partes. IT may please your Worships that herein I hoth as may be affoorded for 20. shaughs the arshine, which is longer by two of mine inches then Russia arshine is. Let there be fine skarlets, violets in graine, fine reds, blacks, browne blewes, fo
Venice (Italy) (search for this): narrative 124
they will not give above 18. shaughes their arshine. Here be reds of more orient colour, being Venice die. The people are given much to weare cloth: the common people specially weare karseis, and tothing durable. For when it commeth to weare on the threed, it renteth like paper. Here is much Venice cloth worne, being cromplisted a yard and a halfe broad, and sold here from 24. to 30. shaughesowne of Shamaky to Aleppo, and from thence to Tripolis, six dayes journey: and from Tripolis to Venice by water, a moneth or five weekes sailing. As I learne, from hence to Venice may easily be traVenice may easily be travelled in lesse then three moneths. Therefore I wish your worships to procure some trustie and assured friend there, to whom from hence letters may be sent. For I can have them here to put in suertiees lading of silke to Aleppo, and bringeth thence 800. or a thousand Mules laden with karsies & Venice clothes. And 18. pieces of karsies are a Mules lading. But I wish you not to send above 2000. p
Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): narrative 124
By your servant to command, Arthur Edwards. Commodities to be carried out of England into Persia, with their prizes there. KARSEIS are sold there for 180. Shaughes: so that a karsey is sold there in Persia for foure pound ten shillings : for every shaugh is sixe pence English, and every Bist is two pence halfepeny English, and in Russe money three pence. Tinne is sold in Persia for 14. and 18. shaughes the batman. The batman containing as I have mentioned before. Brasil is at 10. and 12. shaughes the batman. Red cloth fine, at 25. and 30. shaughes the yard. Copper at 20. and 25. shaughes the batman. Commodities to be brought out of Persia for England. RAW silke at 60. shaughs ye batman. Pepper at 32. shaughs ye batman. Ginger at 18. & 20. shaughs ye batman. Nutmegs at 30. shaughs the batman. Brimstone at 4 shaughs the great batman. The great batman is 12. li. English. Allom at 2. bists and a halfe the batman
Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 124
hich was the 12. of May, who taried here three dayes, to see us set forwards on our voyage, and then he departed towards Colmogro, having appointed (as chiefe for your voyage of Persia) Richard Johnson. For my part I am willing, as also have bene & seland and Moscovia, and in what space we might saile out of England into Russeland, & how many weekes travell it is from Colmogro to Astracan: and then came to discourse of Russeland, and what townes the Emperour had wonne, declaring unto me himselfe, being there sold this townes batman, for one bist and a halfe. I have made reckoning, al charges borne from hence to Colmogro, & from thence fraight into England at three pounds the tunne, al charges accounted, will not stand you in above 18. andd other mens, that it may be sent from hence to be in Astracan at the beginning of Aprill, from whence it may be sent to Colmogro in three moneths and lesse, and there to be ready with the rest of your goods by the end of June for your ships to rec
his chiefe captains. Thus wishing I had more time to write, I pray you to beare with this my scribled letter, and after you have red it, that M. Nicols may have a sight thereof. By your servant to command, Arthur Edwards. Commodities to be carried out of England into Persia, with their prizes there. KARSEIS are sold there for 180. Shaughes: so that a karsey is sold there in Persia for foure pound ten shillings : for every shaugh is sixe pence English, and every Bist is two pence halfepeny English, and in Russe money three pence. Tinne is sold in Persia for 14. and 18. shaughes the batman. The batman containing as I have mentioned before. Brasil is at 10. and 12. shaughes the batman. Red cloth fine, at 25. and 30. shaughes the yard. Copper at 20. and 25. shaughes the batman. Commodities to be brought out of Persia for England. RAW silke at 60. shaughs ye batman. Pepper at 32. shaughs ye batman. Ginger at 18. & 2
Volga (Russia) (search for this): narrative 124
gone, were sold in Mosco. What other goods are shipped for our voyage, you shall understand by your Agents letters. Whereas Edward Clarke (being an honest man) was appointed Agent for Persia, as one for those parts more fit then any I do know here, God hath taken him unto his mercie, who departed this present life the 16. of March last past. I wished of God for my part he had lived: for my desire was in his company to have travelled into Persia. Your barke or craer made here for the river of Volga and the Caspian sea is very litle, of the burthen of 30. tunnes at the most. It is handsomly made after the English fashion: but I thinke it too litle for your goods and provision of victuals. If the worshipful company would send hither a Shipwright, being skilfull to make one of the burden of 60. tunnes or more, drawing but sixe foote water at the most when it is laden, I thinke it should be profitable. For if your owne goods would not lade the same, here be Marchants that would bee glad an
Gilan (Iran) (search for this): narrative 124
an in 7. or 8. dayes, wee may saile with our barke to a place named Gilan : the which place in time to come, (I thinke) shall serve our purpos so I have bought to bee sent home 223. batmans for example. And at Gilan there is rawe silke enough for the companies stocke. I beleeve, if e: to wit, the 24. and 29. of June last, by one of your servants to Gilan , there to take ship and to goe to Astracan, and to deliver the samece my comming hither, that he hath plaied the loitering merchant in Gilan , not going in those boats that went first, but taried for the last re good and full lengths and well sorted. The Princes Ambassador of Gilan was in Casbin, at my being there. I hope in God, if I remaine here, and may goe to Gilan , to obtaine for your worships the like priviledge at the kings hand there also. For I have somthing moved the matter,if I had had other here with me to put in trust: for from Casbin to Gilan is but 5. dayes riding, which Countrey may be profitable to your Wo
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