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China (China) (search for this): narrative 439
erbe is like to Panizzo, and the roote is the ginger. These two spices grow in divers places. The Cloves come all from the Moluccas , which Moluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but not so big. All the good white Sandol is brought from the Island of Timor. Canfora being compound commeth all from China , and all that which groweth in canes commeth from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I have bene told. There is a certaine beast in Tartaria, wh
Timor (Indonesia) (search for this): narrative 439
n this wise: the land is tilled and sowen, and the herbe is like to Panizzo, and the roote is the ginger. These two spices grow in divers places. The Cloves come all from the Moluccas , which Moluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but not so big. All the good white Sandol is brought from the Island of Timor. Canfora being compound commeth all from China , and all that which groweth in canes commeth from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I have
Joppa (Israel) (search for this): narrative 439
i , whereas Master Florin, and Master Andrea Polo, and I, with a Frier, went and hired a barke to goe with us to Jerusalem. Departing from Tripolie, we arrived at Jaffa : from which place in a day and halfe we went to Jerusalem, and we gave order to our barke to tary for us untill our returne. Wee stayed in Jerusalem 14. dayes, to visite those holy places: from whence we returned to Jaffa , and from Jaffa to Tripolie, and there wee shipped our selves in a ship of Venice called the Bagazzana: And by the helpe of the divine power, we arrived safely in Venice the fift of November 1581. If there be any that hath any desire to goe into those partes of IndiJaffa to Tripolie, and there wee shipped our selves in a ship of Venice called the Bagazzana: And by the helpe of the divine power, we arrived safely in Venice the fift of November 1581. If there be any that hath any desire to goe into those partes of India, let him not be astonied at the troubles that I have passed: because I was intangled in many things : for that I went very poore from Venice with 1200. duckets imployed in marchandize, and when I came to Tripolie, I fell sicke in the house of Master Regaly Oratio, and this man sent away my goods with a small Carovan that went f
Mecca (Saudi Arabia) (search for this): narrative 439
bour they may save their voyage. Also there goeth another great shippe from Bengala every yeere, laden with fine cloth of bombast of all sorts, which arriveth in the harbour of Pegu , when the ship that commeth from S. Tome departeth. The harbour where these two ships arrive is called Cosmin. From Malaca to Martavan, which is a port in Pegu , there come many small ships, and great, laden with pepper, Sandolo, Porcellan of China, Camfora, Bruneo and other marchandise. The ships that come from Mecca enter into the port of Pegu and Cirion, and those shippes bring cloth of Wooll, Scarlets, Velvets, Opium, and Chickinos, by the which they lose, and they bring them because they have no other thing that is good for Pegu : but they esteeme not the losse of them, for that they make such great gaine of their commodities that they cary from thence out of that kingdome. Also the king of Assi his ships come thither into the same port laden with peper; from the coast of S. Tome of Bengala out
Pegu (Myanmar) (search for this): narrative 439
of all sorts, which arriveth in the harbour of Pegu , when the ship that commeth from S. Tome deparause they have no other thing that is good for Pegu : but they esteeme not the losse of them, for tharge of the goods on them, and convey them to Pegu , into the kings house, wherin they make the cu to the Marchants to take barke, and goe up to Pegu with their marchandize; and so three or foure he goods, and at the taking of them a land. In Pegu this search they make when they goe out of theod order, and it is in this wise. There are in Pegu foure men of good reputation, which are calledand the greatest enemie he hath is the king of Pegu : which king of Pegu deviseth night and day hones hee is able to doe it: because the king of Pegu hath no power nor armie by Sea. And this king to Cochin in a ship that was for the voyage of Pegu , and went to winter then at S. Tome. When I caand Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, wh[55 more...]
Venice (Italy) (search for this): narrative 439
eete depart for Portugall, in which ships I was fully determined to goe to Lisbon , and so to Venice . When I had thus resolved my selfe, I went a boord of the shippe of Bengala, at which time it were was no going for Portugale, and when we arrived at Cochin I was fully determined to goe for Venice by the way of Ormus, and at that time the Citie of Goa was besieged by the people of Dialcan, b returned to Jaffa , and from Jaffa to Tripolie, and there wee shipped our selves in a ship of Venice called the Bagazzana: And by the helpe of the divine power, we arrived safely in Venice the fiVenice the fift of November 1581. If there be any that hath any desire to goe into those partes of India, let him not be astonied at the troubles that I have passed: because I was intangled in many things : for that I went very poore from Venice with 1200. duckets imployed in marchandize, and when I came to Tripolie, I fell sicke in the house of Master Regaly Oratio, and this man sent away my goods with a s
Moore (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 439
e: and the people told us that we were deceived the halfe of our money, because we bought things so deare. Also a sacke of fine rice for a thing of nothing, and consequently all other things for humaine sustenance were there in such aboundance, that it is a thing incredible but to them that have seene it. This Island is called Sondiva belonging to the kingdome of Bengala, distant 120. miles from Chatigan, to which place wee were bound. The people are Moores, and the king a very good man of a Moore king, for if he had bin a tyrant as others be, he might have robbed us of all, because the Portugall captaine of Chatigan was in armes against the Retor of that place, & every day there were some slaine, at which newes we rested there with no smal feare, keeping good watch and ward aboord every night as the use is, but the governour of the towne did comfort us, and bad us that we should feare nothing, but that we should repose our selves securely without any danger, although the Portugales o
Tripoli (Libya) (search for this): narrative 439
y sit downe all the Carovan unladeth and sitteth downe, for they know the stations where the wells are. I say, in 36. dayes we passe over the wildernesse. For when wee depart from Babylon two dayes we passe by villages inhabited until we have passed the river Euphrates . And then within two dayes of Alepo we have villages inhabited. In this Carovan there goeth alway a Captaine that doth Justice unto all men: and every night they keepe watch about the Carovan, and comming to Alepo we went to Tripoli , whereas Master Florin, and Master Andrea Polo, and I, with a Frier, went and hired a barke to goe with us to Jerusalem. Departing from Tripolie, we arrived at Jaffa : from which place in a day and halfe we went to Jerusalem, and we gave order to our barke to tary for us untill our returne. Wee stayed in Jerusalem 14. dayes, to visite those holy places: from whence we returned to Jaffa , and from Jaffa to Tripolie, and there wee shipped our selves in a ship of Venice called the Bagazzan
Portugal (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 439
ship into his port, and comming thither he should be very wel intreated. This Portugal went thither and was very well satisfied of this King. This King of Rachim hther yeeres. For which cause the fleete that was at Cochin was departed for Portugal before they arrived there, and I being in one of the small shippes before themy selfe for Ormus: but when we came to Goa, the Viceroy would not suffer any Portugal to depart, by reason of the warres. And being in Goa but a small time, I fell goe their way and leave their golde and the goods together, then commeth the Portugal , and finding the golde to his content, hee taketh it and goeth his way into his citie we were 6. Marchants that accompanied together, five Venetians and a Portugal ; whose names were as followeth, Messer Florinasa with one of his kinsmen, Messer Andrea de Polo, the Portugal & M. Francis Berettin and I, and so wee furnished our selves with victuals and beanes for our horses for 40. dayes; and wee bough
Banda (Congo) (search for this): narrative 439
hen they gather them they be greene, and then they lay them in the Sunne, and they become blacke. The Ginger groweth in this wise: the land is tilled and sowen, and the herbe is like to Panizzo, and the roote is the ginger. These two spices grow in divers places. The Cloves come all from the Moluccas , which Moluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but not so big. All the good white Sandol is brought from the Island of Timor. Canfora being compound commeth all from China , and all that which groweth in canes commeth from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth i
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