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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. Search the whole document.
Found 88 total hits in 7 results.
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 66
The coines, weights and measures used in Russia
written by John Hasse, in the yere, 1554.
FORA aes to a Rubble.
Concerning the weights of Russia
they are these:
There are two sorts of pounds ght, which weight is the Beasemar, as they of Russia
doe use, notwithstanding there
is another sor sh ell.
Concerning the tolles & customs of Russia
, it was
reported to me in Moscovia, that the ich is a great towne standing in the
heart of Russia
, with many great and good towns about
it. The tuals, and of all
such wares as are raised in Rusland
, but specially, flaxe,
hempe, tallow and baco cause it lieth amongest all the best towns of Russia
and there is no towne in Russia
but trades llow and many other things: the best
flaxe in Russia
is brought thither and there sold by the
hund ome to them as goe to other.
They have in Russia
two sorts of flaxe, the one is called
great f at the most. There are
many other trifles in Russia
, as sope, mats, &c. but I
thinke there will b
[2 more...]
Fiora (Italy) (search for this): narrative 66
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 66
Vologda (Russia) (search for this): narrative 66
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): narrative 66
Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 66
1554 AD (search for this): narrative 66
The coines, weights and measures used in Russia
written by John Hasse, in the yere, 1554.
FORASMUCH as it is most necessary for al marchants
which seeke to have traffique in any strange regions,
first to acquaint themselves with the coines of those lands
with which they do intend to joyne in traffique, and how
they are called from the valuation of the highest piece to
the lowest, and in what sort they make their paiments,
as also what their common weights and measures be:
for these causes I have thought good to write some thing
thereof according to mine owne knowledge and experience, to the end that the marchants of that new adventure,
may the better understand how the wealth of that new
frequented trade will arise.
First, it is to be noted that the Emperour of Russia
hath no other coines then silver in all his land, which
goeth for paiment amongst merchants, yet notwithstanding there is a coine of copper, which serveth for the reliefe
of the poore in Mosco, & no where els