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Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 95
it to writing. At my comming hither heere were Ambassadours from the townes of Danske, Lubeck , and Hamburgh, as also out of Liefland to desire this king to bee their Captaine and head in their intended voyage, which was to stoppe all such shippes as shoulde goe out of England for Moscovia. Whereunto the King graunted, and immediatly they departed to prepare their shippes. So that I am afraide that either these our enemies, or the great warres that we have with France and Scotland will be an occasion that you shall have no shippes at Colmogro this yeere. To conclude, although I have no tokens to deliver them, that the tokens taken from me were sent unto, yet I will declare unto them that I had tokens for them, with the mischance. And thus I commit you to Almightie God with the rest of the companie, who keepe you in health to his holy will and pleasure. By yours to commaund THOMAS ALCOCKE.
Scotland (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 95
o long to commit to writing. At my comming hither heere were Ambassadours from the townes of Danske, Lubeck , and Hamburgh, as also out of Liefland to desire this king to bee their Captaine and head in their intended voyage, which was to stoppe all such shippes as shoulde goe out of England for Moscovia. Whereunto the King graunted, and immediatly they departed to prepare their shippes. So that I am afraide that either these our enemies, or the great warres that we have with France and Scotland will be an occasion that you shall have no shippes at Colmogro this yeere. To conclude, although I have no tokens to deliver them, that the tokens taken from me were sent unto, yet I will declare unto them that I had tokens for them, with the mischance. And thus I commit you to Almightie God with the rest of the companie, who keepe you in health to his holy will and pleasure. By yours to commaund
Russe (Bulgaria) (search for this): narrative 95
woulde be a meane that I might have the remaynder of such thinges as were taken from me restored unto me againe. Hee made me answere, that I might thanke God that I escaped with my head, and that if ever there came any more of us through the land, they should not so doe. The weeke before Easter they delivered mee my Corobia againe with all thinges that were therein. They tooke from mee in money nine Hungers gylderns in golde, five shillings foure pence in Lettoes money, fourtie Altines in Russe money, whereof twentie and more were for tokens, halfe an angell and a quarter of Master Doctour Standishes, with his golde ring. Your two pieces of money (Master Gray) that you sent to your wife and daughter, with my two pieces of Boghary money. Of all this I had eight Hungers gilderns delivered mee the thirde weeke of mine imprisonment to paye for my charges, which stoode mee in a Doller a weeke. So that at the day of my deliverie I had but three gyldernes left me. For the rest I made a su
Lubeck (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) (search for this): narrative 95
they burdened mee, that wee brought thither thousandes of ordinance, as also of harneis, swordes, with other munitions of warre, artificers, copper, with many other things: I made them answere, that wee had brought thither about one hundred shirtes of mayle, such olde thinges newe scowred as no man in Englande woulde weare. Other talke they had with mee concerning the trade of Moscovia too long to commit to writing. At my comming hither heere were Ambassadours from the townes of Danske, Lubeck , and Hamburgh, as also out of Liefland to desire this king to bee their Captaine and head in their intended voyage, which was to stoppe all such shippes as shoulde goe out of England for Moscovia. Whereunto the King graunted, and immediatly they departed to prepare their shippes. So that I am afraide that either these our enemies, or the great warres that we have with France and Scotland will be an occasion that you shall have no shippes at Colmogro this yeere. To conclude, although I
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 95
ified you of my long retayning there, as also of my departure from thence, and howe that I had hired a Totar to bring mee to Danske. We came to a certaine village on Satterday the sixe and twentieth of Februarie, and there remained that night and Sunday to refresh our horses, intending to have gone away on Munday earely. But on Saterday at night one of his neighbours departed to Tirwill, and there declared to the Captaine howe that at such a place there was a Dutch man that was come from the Mosco, and woulde ride to Danske, saying, for the one, I cannot tell what he is. The Captaine incontinent ridde to the King to shewe him thereof, so that without any delay there was sent out for mee one of the Gentlemen of the Kings house, and one of the Mesnickes of the Towne with sixe Officers to take mee. They came thither in the night about midnight, and there apprehended mee and tooke all that I had from me: they left mee nothing but my clothes to put on my backe, and so brought mee to Tirwil
Poland (Poland) (search for this): narrative 95
A letter of Thomas Alcocke to the worshipfull Richard Gray, and Henrie Lane Agents in Moscovia from Tirwill in Polonia , written in Tirwill the 26. of Aprill 1558.MY duety premised unto your worships, with commendations &c. It may please you to be advertised, yt my last I sent from Smolensco, which I trust you have received wt other letters to divers of our English men, wherein I certified you of my long retayning there, as also of my departure from thence, and howe that I had hired a Totar to bring mee to Danske. We came to a certaine village on Satterday the sixe and twentieth of Februarie, and there remained that night and Sunday to refresh our horses, intending to have gone away on Munday earely. But on Saterday at night one of his neighbours departed to Tirwill, and there declared to the Captaine howe that at such a place there was a Dutch man that was come from the Mosco, and woulde ride to Danske, saying, for the one, I cannot tell what he is. The Captaine incontinent ridde to t
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 95
supposing this Sommer it would be navigable, I was onely sent to provide a Shippe to bee sent to passe the sayde Seas to discover Cataia: which if God graunted wee might doe, it woulde not onely bee a commoditie to the Realme of Englande, but unto all Christian landes, by the riches that might bee brought from thence, if the histories bee true that are written thereof. Much other communication I had with them concerning the same voyage. Then he demaunded of mee what wares wee brought into Russia , and what wee carried from thence. I declared the same unto them. Then they burdened mee, that wee brought thither thousandes of ordinance, as also of harneis, swordes, with other munitions of warre, artificers, copper, with many other things: I made them answere, that wee had brought thither about one hundred shirtes of mayle, such olde thinges newe scowred as no man in Englande woulde weare. Other talke they had with mee concerning the trade of Moscovia too long to commit to writing.
A letter of Thomas Alcocke to the worshipfull Richard Gray, and Henrie Lane Agents in Moscovia from Tirwill in Polonia , written in Tirwill the 26. of Aprill 1558.MY duety premised unto your worships, with commendations &c. It may please you to be advertised, yt my last I sent from Smolensco, which I trust you have received wt other letters to divers of our English men, wherein I certified you of my long retayning there, as also of my departure from thence, and howe that I had hired a Totar to bring mee to Danske. We came to a certaine village on Satterday the sixe and twentieth of Februarie, and there remained that night and Sunday to refresh our horses, intending to have gone away on Munday earely. But on Saterday at night one of his neighbours departed to Tirwill, and there declared to the Captaine howe that at such a place there was a Dutch man that was come from the Mosco, and woulde ride to Danske, saying, for the one, I cannot tell what he is. The Captaine incontinent ridde to t