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300 AD - 399 AD | 90 | 90 | Browse | Search |
1500 AD - 1599 AD | 58 | 58 | Browse | Search |
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500 AD - 599 AD | 30 | 30 | Browse | Search |
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700 AD - 799 AD | 15 | 15 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome.
Found 1,923 total hits in 1,835 results.
1500 AD - 1599 AD (search for this): entry note
500 AD - 599 AD (search for this): entry note
38 AD (search for this): entry aemiliana
a district outside the Servian wall in the southern part of the campus Martius, but whether near the Tiber, or near the via Flaminia just
north of the porta Fontinalis, cannot be determined (Varro, RR iii. 2. 6; Tac. Ann. xv. 40; CIL xv. 7150; cf. Cic. de rep. i. 9; HJ 490). It was ravaged by a great fire on 21st Oct., 38 A.D. (Suet. Claud. 18; BC 1916, 220; 1918, 247; AJA 1908, 42; ILS 9427; BPW 1920, 310).
291 BC (search for this): entry aesculapius-aedes
the temple of Aesculapius erected on the island in the Tiber soon after 291 B.C. In consequence of a pestilence in Rome in 293 an embassy was sent to Epidaurus in 292 to bring back the statue of the god Aesculapius. This embassy returned in 291, bringing not the statue, but a serpent from Epidaurus that, on reaching Rome, abandoned the ship and swam to the island (Liv. x. 47; xi. ep.; Val. Max. i. 8. 2 in ripam Tiberis egressis legatis in insulam... transnavit) ; Ovid. Met. xv. 736-741; Plut. q.R. 94; Plin. NH xxix. 72; de vir. ill. 22). According to another tradition the first temple was built extra urbem, the second in insula (Plin. NH xxix. 16; Rend. Linc. 1917, 573-580; AJA 1919, 431). The whole island was consecrated to Aesculapius (see INSULA TIBERINA), the temple built, and dedicated on 1st January (Ov. Fast. i. 290-292; Hemerol. Praen. Ian. 1; CIL i 2. p. 305; Fast. Ant. ap. NS. 1921, 83). It was usually called aedes, but also templum (Val. Max. i. 8. 2;
62 BC (search for this): entry aesculapius-aedes
293 BC (search for this): entry aesculapius-aedes
the temple of Aesculapius erected on the island in the Tiber soon after 291 B.C. In consequence of a pestilence in Rome in 293 an embassy was sent to Epidaurus in 292 to bring back the statue of the god Aesculapius. This embassy returned in 291, bringing not the statue, but a serpent from Epidaurus that, on reaching Rome, abandoned the ship and swam to the island (Liv. x. 47; xi. ep.; Val. Max. i. 8. 2 in ripam Tiberis egressis legatis in insulam... transnavit) ; Ovid. Met. xv. 736-741; Plut. q.R. 94; Plin. NH xxix. 72; de vir. ill. 22). According to another tradition the first temple was built extra urbem, the second in insula (Plin. NH xxix. 16; Rend. Linc. 1917, 573-580; AJA 1919, 431). The whole island was consecrated to Aesculapius (see INSULA TIBERINA), the temple built, and dedicated on 1st January (Ov. Fast. i. 290-292; Hemerol. Praen. Ian. 1; CIL i 2. p. 305; Fast. Ant. ap. NS. 1921, 83). It was usually called aedes, but also templum (Val. Max. i. 8. 2;
170 BC (search for this): entry aesculapius-aedes
287 BC (search for this): entry aesculetum
a grove of oaks in the campus Martius (Varro, LL v. 152), in which the assembly met in 287 B.C. to pass the Hortensian laws (Plin. NH xvi. 37). If the VICUA AESC(U)LETI (q.v.) took its name from the grove, it must have been a little north of the. modern ponte Garibaldi (HJ 521-522).
181 BC (search for this): entry ager-l-petilii
property lying sub Ianiculo, but otherwise unknown, where the tomb (q.v.) and books of Numa were said to have been found in 181 B.C. (Cic. de legg. ii. 56; Liv. xl. 29; Val. Max. i. 1. 12; HJ 626).
390 BC (search for this): entry aius-locutius-ara
an altar erected in 390 B.C. by order of the senate at the north corner of the Palatine in infima Nova via, opposite the grove of Vesta. It was dedicated to the deus indiges, Aius Locutius (Loquens, Cic. de div. ii. 69), the speaking voice. Tradition agreed in relating that in 391 a plebeian, M. Caedicius, heard at night at
this point a voice that warned the Romans of the invasion of the Gauls. No attention was paid to this warning until after the event, when the altar was built in expiation (Cic. de div. i. 101 ; ii. 69; Varro ap. Gell. xvi. 17; Liv. v. 32. 6, 50. 5, 52. I I; Plut. Cam. 30: vew\n fh/mhs kai\ klhdo/nos: de fort. Rom. 5: e(/dh). Besides ara, this altar is also referred to as saceUum (Liv. v. 32) and templum (ib. v. 50, 52), but there is no doubt that it was an enclosed altar in the open air. This altar has no connection with that found on the south-west slope of the Palatine near the Velabrum, dedicated sive deo sive deivae (CIL i 2. 801 =v