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Fayetteville, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
When, therefore, peace shall have come to the country, mining operations will no doubt be resumed in this section, and whatever mineral resources it possesses developed. Last night (3d) a detachment of ten men, with the mail and despatches, arrived here from the First Division, Army of the Frontier, now encamped in the vicinity of Springfield. Several of the men belonged to that part of my regiment which left us at Elm Springs, and they informed me that they had just heard from Fayetteville, Arkansas, before leaving camp, that my brother James died in hospital there on the 26th or 27th of January. As the information came through reliable parties, men whom I have known since the regiment was organized, I at once conveyed the sad intelligence to his wife and to father and mother. We were all greatly distressed, and that which increased the burden of our grief was the thought that he should have died from home in hospital, with none of us near him; nor perhaps even of any of the c
Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
condemned a double sacrifice put upon Missouri loyalists a picture of desolated homes guerrilla warfare and Federal losses in the State the Militia occupying Newtonia and fortifying it their efficiency mostly State troops that opposed. General Marmaduke at the battle of Springfield on the 9th Flag raising at Neosho the National Flag scornfully regarded by rebels guerrillas at Granby the rich lead mines there, but no longer worked Author informed of the death of his brother at Fayetteville a mother's picture of a united family. We arrived at Neosho on the morning of the 23d, having marched forty-five miles in twelve hours. Our route was through a thickly wooded region all the way. It continued cloudy and was intensely dark, and there was a drizzling rain nearly all night. We had to trust to our horses keeping on the path, as they see better in the darkness than men. It frequently occurred that we could not tell whether we were on the road or not, for we could not dist
Elm Springs (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
experienced miners that most of this country is rich in galena ore. When, therefore, peace shall have come to the country, mining operations will no doubt be resumed in this section, and whatever mineral resources it possesses developed. Last night (3d) a detachment of ten men, with the mail and despatches, arrived here from the First Division, Army of the Frontier, now encamped in the vicinity of Springfield. Several of the men belonged to that part of my regiment which left us at Elm Springs, and they informed me that they had just heard from Fayetteville, Arkansas, before leaving camp, that my brother James died in hospital there on the 26th or 27th of January. As the information came through reliable parties, men whom I have known since the regiment was organized, I at once conveyed the sad intelligence to his wife and to father and mother. We were all greatly distressed, and that which increased the burden of our grief was the thought that he should have died from home i
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
d to these facts, read of the great battles of Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing, and see if Missouri did not sustain her pro rata of losses in killed and wounded for the Union cause. Probably some of those who are so careless in their remarks in regard to all the people of this State being rebels, would not like to acknowledge that Missouri, after furnishing all the men she has for the rebel army, has also furnished more men for the Union army than either of the great States, Iowa or Massachusetts. If this is not the exact truth, it is very near it. If we include the troops called out for active service in this State, there is not a reasonable doubt of it. This State has sins enough to answer for without having to answer for any for which she is not justly chargeable. And I deeply sympathize with those families whose desolated homes lie before them, and whose male members lie on some distant field, or are even now, this very moment, at the front, nobly performing their duties in
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
e are the men? But if they would look around intelligently, they would easily see that of all the deserted homes, and homes in which there is no one left but women and children, that the men are not in every case in the rebel army. Those who were with us last fall when we were encamped on Pea Ridge battle field, must have seen from the headboards placed over the graves of the Federal soldiers that fell on that field, that Missouri troops suffered as severe losses as the troops from Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. The principal body of our troops that were engaged at the battle of Wilson Creek under Generals Lyon and Sigel were also Missouri troops. The First regiment of Missouri artillery alone, lost in that battle killed, officers 1; enlisted men 66; wounded officers 2; enlisted men 210; missing officers 2; enlisted men 6, or a total of casualties of 292 men. Let those who are blind to these facts, read of the great battles of Fort Donelson and Pittsburg Landing, and see if Missouri
Shoal Creek, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ower for manufacturing purposes, and perhaps also contrive some means of conveying a portion of the water to the houses of those who shall make this place their home. With a system of pipes it could easily be done without very heavy expense. Shoal Creek, nearly two miles north of here, is a large stream, and discharges a large volume of water the year round, and in regard to water-power facilities, probably has few equals in the country. At the Grand Falls, sixteen miles northwest of Neosho flints. The prairies are quite fertile, but not equal to the creek bottoms, which are scarcely equalled in fertility in any country. My father thinks that his farm of two hundred and sixty acres, which lies four miles north of this place on Shoal Creek, has not its equal in the alluvial plain of the Mississippi valley in point of productiveness. But since the war commenced, the fences have nearly all been destroyed by the rebel armies camping upon it, and only a small portion of it was cul
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 6
their eyes towards the ground, and their countenances changed. They were captured a few weeks ago, having been connected with a band of guerrillas whose operations extended over this county. But they have taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, and given bonds for the faithful performance of their promises. Now that they have escaped the edges of our swords and seem to show a disposition to submit to the authority of the Government, I presume no one feels inclined to disturb them,rtillery; and great speeches were made to the enthusiastic multitude by the principal leaders. Their prospects were brighter then than now, and they doubtless thought that Missouri would form one of the stars in the Constellation of the Confederate States. The town contained about one thousand inhabitants before the war; but the population now is much less, probably not more than half that number independent of the Indian refugees temporarily stopping here. When this section was occupie
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
o were with us last fall when we were encamped on Pea Ridge battle field, must have seen from the headboards placed over the graves of the Federal soldiers that fell on that field, that Missouri troops suffered as severe losses as the troops from Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. The principal body of our troops that were engaged at the battle of Wilson Creek under Generals Lyon and Sigel were also Missouri troops. The First regiment of Missouri artillery alone, lost in that battle killed, officersr remarks in regard to all the people of this State being rebels, would not like to acknowledge that Missouri, after furnishing all the men she has for the rebel army, has also furnished more men for the Union army than either of the great States, Iowa or Massachusetts. If this is not the exact truth, it is very near it. If we include the troops called out for active service in this State, there is not a reasonable doubt of it. This State has sins enough to answer for without having to answer f
Boonsborough (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Creek, on the 22d of last August. Though he knew that the ball had not been found by the surgeons who made a partial diagnosis of the wound, and knowing too that the ball, wherever it had lodged, had had the effect of producing at different times, queer sensations of dizziness and numbness of certain muscles, yet with all these serious premonitions of his approaching end, he preferred to remain with his company as long as he could stand upon his feet. He fell paralyzed at the battle of Cane Hill, at a place where his company was required to dismount and scale the mountain on foot, in order to dislodge the enemy from a certain position. I am perfectly conscious that if these few simple words referred to the sufferings and death of some general officer instead of a private soldier, they would be read by many with greater eagerness, and touch deeper their sympathetic emotions. But he was my brother, and I would be recreant to my conscience, were I not, in passing, to mention that n
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
es and mail to Major John A Foreman, commanding officer of the post, who at once sent them by another detachment on to Springfield. I breakfasted at home with father and mother and the family, the first time for nearly two years. Mother was nearmporarily stopping here. When this section was occupied by the rebel troops, nearly all the loyal families removed to Springfield and Kansas, or to some point within our lines; and since we drove the enemy out, and established posts at nearly all to-operate with some other army in another section, can endanger our position here, nor indeed any of our posts west of Springfield. Yesterday (2d) a party of guerrillas were seen near Granby, eight miles northeast of this place. It is supposed h the mail and despatches, arrived here from the First Division, Army of the Frontier, now encamped in the vicinity of Springfield. Several of the men belonged to that part of my regiment which left us at Elm Springs, and they informed me that they
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