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February, 1809, in Hardin county, Kentucky, Mr. Lincoln usually had but little to say of himself, tproposed to prepare a history of his life. Mr. Lincoln deprecated the idea of writing even a campathe view he took of the biography matter. Lincoln seemed to be painfully impressed, he wrote, wnnis and John Hanks have always insisted that Lincoln's mother was not a Hanks, but a Sparrow. Bote Fell autobiography they will be struck with Lincoln's meagre reference to his mother. He even fa with reminiscences of days on the frontier. Lincoln was reminded of several Indiana stories, and passed away. In only two instances did Mr. Lincoln over his own hand leave any record of his hthe record of the marriage of his parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, has been lost; but fortunrejudice in Kentucky that in the county where Lincoln was born only six persons could be found who isposition amiable and generally cheerful. Mr. Lincoln himself said to me in 1851, on receiving th[15 more...]
eath of Nancy Lincoln. the widowerhood of Thomas Lincoln. he marries Sarah Bush Johnston. the Lin out with a sycamore branch. Meanwhile Thomas Lincoln was becoming daily more dissatisfied with hed his table with its supply of meat. Thomas Lincoln, with the aid of the Hankses and Sparrows,er was much incensed at his death, observed Mr. Lincoln, in relating the story, but as John and I, and died within a few days of each other. Thomas Lincoln performed the services of undertaker. Witer, David Elkin, an itinerant preacher whom Mrs. Lincoln had known in Kentucky, happened into the sept alive in the Kentucky neighborhood is that Lincoln had been a suitor for the hand of the lady be effects to their home in Indiana. The new Mrs. Lincoln was accompanied by her three children, Johnepresentations made by its owner to the new Mrs. Lincoln before marriage, the latter gave no express preserved as a specimen of the joint work of Lincoln and his father at this time.--J. W. W.-the wa[16 more...]
g pleased Abe not a little. I used to sing it for old Thomas Lincoln, relates Turnham, at Abe's request. The old gentlemanm many friends. One who saw him at this time says: Lincoln would frequently make political speeches to the boys; he w shall probably never know. The story is told that during Lincoln's term as President, he was favored one day at the White Htrips that David Turnham accompanied him. In later years Mr. Lincoln related the following reminiscence of his experience as d especially suited the roving and migratory spirit of Thomas Lincoln. He had been induced to leave Kentucky for the hills arch, 1830, started for Illinois. The two daughters of Mrs. Lincoln had meanwhile married Dennis Hanks and Levi Hall, and wef Magistrate of the greatest nation of modern times. Mr. Lincoln once described this journey to me. He said the ground haould not endure the idea of abandoning even a dog, related Lincoln. Pulling off shoes and socks I waded across the stream an
turn trip of the Talisman. Rowan Herndon and Lincoln pilot her through. the navigability of the Sh. All was bustle and activity. Even old Thomas Lincoln, infused with the spirit of the hour, was wed one. We then rolled the barrels forward; Lincoln bored a hole in the end [projecting] over thehall be questions for the local historian. Lincoln's return to New Salem in August, 1831, was, wafter years. The recital of a few stories by Lincoln easily established him in the good graces of afternoon, as things were dragging a little, Lincoln the new man, began to spin out a stock of Indn this instance was a flat-boat — for Texas. Lincoln was hired to pilot the vessel through to the f time for study was always at his disposal. Lincoln had long before realized the deficiencies of ther he went. In the significant language of Lincoln he petered out. As late as 1873 I received aompany that chartered her was done with her. Lincoln and Herndon, in charge of the vessel, piloted[32 more...]
Chapter 5. The Black Hawk war. Lincoln elected captain. under arrest. Protecting the Indian. recollections of a comrade. Lincoln re-enlists as a private. return to New Salem. candore the spring of 1832 had merged into summer Lincoln found himself a piece of floating driftwood athe exception of those things which relate to Lincoln alone I presume it would be needless to attemully been told. On being elected captain, Lincoln replied in a brief response of modest and thaates authorities and those emanating from Captain Lincoln or some other Illinois officer — as at on in the matter. Among the few incidents of Lincoln's career in the Black Hawk war that have founf between them and their defenseless victim. Lincoln's determined look and demand that it must notIndian, unmolested, continued on his way. Lincoln's famous wrestling match with the redoubtablege of the sporting arena, it was a dog-fall. Lincoln's magnanimous action, however, in according h[3 more...]
, another New Salem pioneer, came, and to him Lincoln again admitted his love for the unfortunate A was present at the meeting between Yates and Lincoln, and I remember that the former, when Lincolner at Springfield. I do not remember whether Lincoln promised to do so or not, but Ellis was nevertouching address; I was not present when Mr. Lincoln delivered his farewell at the depot at Spriin his own and partly in the handwriting of Mr. Lincoln. Substantially, however, it is like the spe farewell the train rolled slowly out, and Mr. Lincoln, still standing in the doorway of the rear the conclusion of the exercises of the day Mr. Lincoln, who was known to be very weary, was permitmembers of the Presidential party from whom Mr. Lincoln separated at Harrisburg left that place on great agitation, present my compliments to Mr. Lincoln when you return to Springfield, and tell hield, concludes Mather, I hastened to assure Mr. Lincoln that, if Scott were alive on the day of the[27 more...]
undation for such an unwarranted conclusion. Lincoln had not changed a particle. He was overrun wington returned somewhat displeased because Mr. Lincoln failed to inquire after the health and welf a plea in bar on that subject. As I read it Lincoln said, If you mean that among friends as it reconfidential manner. How was it that you and Lincoln were so intimate and he never gave you anythi This was one of the few favors I asked of Mr. Lincoln, and he granted it speedily-without delay; away from business and cheer him up, I took Mr. Lincoln down through the conservatory belonging toA moody silence followed, broken finally by Mr. Lincoln with this observation: Yes, this whole thinmain, Very truly, Mary Lincoln. I met Mrs. Lincoln at the hotel in Springfield according to apment, still it is none the less interesting. Lincoln went to bed ordinarily, it begins, fromdays. How could Bancroft know anything about Lincoln except as he judged of him as the public do? [52 more...]
od-bye. We were now alone. I said to him, Lincoln, with my knowledge of your nervous sensibilitdeas rather than a review of the lecture. Lincoln's whole life was a calculation of the law of y) called his attention to these remarks. Lincoln justified himself in making then by stating tngfield. I was present at the interview, but Lincoln said nothing. It was proposed that Judge Davfield and see what was necessary to be done. Lincoln consented, but it was always my opinion that r. The old gentleman wanted to be noticed by Lincoln, and he wanted to support him. A friend of hi secrets, came to Washington and intimated if Lincoln would invite Bennett to come over and chat wited nothing, he simply wanted to be noticed. Lincoln in talking about it said, I understand it; Be day as a trimmer, would blush by the side of Lincoln; yet Lincoln never trimmed in principles, it ss and perspicuity of his statements. When Mr. Lincoln had stated a case it was always more than h[20 more...]
onditional-Union men. the campaign of 1864. Lincoln and Andrew Johnson nominated and elected. thhis fellow conspirators. The outlines of Mr. Lincoln's Presidential career are alone sufficient hing worthy of belief. Having learned that Mr. Lincoln was at the War Department we started thithe— Whitney — from Illinois, I made a call on Mr. Lincoln, having no business except to give him some the territory of New Mexico. Oh, I see, said Lincoln; they have neither Governor nor Government. e. Several other persons were announced, but Lincoln notified them all that he was busy and could one of the fellows who make cannons, observed Lincoln, I suppose I must see him. Tell him when I gty of railroad advantages at that point, said Lincoln, and their plenitude, but Scott was obdurate neral McClellan is now trying to work out. Mr. Lincoln then told me of the plan he had recommendedg, we will bear it no longer. Such was Mr. Lincoln's plan for heading off the Rebellion in the[15 more...]<