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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 380 2 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 303 39 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 223 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 62 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 38 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 16 4 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 11 3 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 5 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for George Gordon Meade or search for George Gordon Meade in all documents.

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April 27. A party of National cavalry, belonging to the division of General Granger, and under the command of Colonel Watkins, left their camp at Murfreesboro last night, and this morning at daybreak, succeeded in capturing the Texan Legion of rebel troops, posted at a point eight miles from Franklin, Tenn., between the Columbia and Carter's Creek turnpikes. In the skirmish, several rebels were killed and wounded.--Cincinnati Gazette. The army of the Potomac, under Major-General Hooker, commenced the forward movement on Fredericksburgh, Va. This morning at five o'clock, the Eleventh, Major-General Howard's corps, the Twelfth, Major-General Slocum's, and the Fifth, Major-General Meade's corps, struck their tents and marched westward from Falmouth on the several roads leading to Kelly's Ford, distant from the line of Acquia Creek and Fredericksburgh Railroad about twenty-five miles; the Eleventh corps being in the advance.
ks until the rebels were driven from the State, and raised ten thousand dollars to pay the wages of all who volunteer during their absence.--Mechanicsburgh, Pa., was given up to the rebels this morning. On their arrival they pulled down the National flag, which was flying in the square, and raised the rebel colors in its stead. The ship City of Bath was captured by the rebel pirate Georgia in latitude 20° 30′ south, longitude 29° 30′ west, off the Island of Trinidad. Major-General George Gordon Meade assumed command of the army of the Potomac.--A fight took place between a regiment of Pennsylvanians, under the command of Colonel Frick, and a force of rebels who were advancing or Wrightsville, opposite Columbia, Pa. After a sharp contest, Colonel Frick was obliged to retire Gen. James G. Blunt. across the Susquehanna and burn the bridge.--(Doc. 81.) Major-General Dix, at Fortress Monroe, sent the following despatch to the War Department at Washington: Colonel <
t the rebels, drawn up in line of battle at Sporting Hill, awaiting their approach. Colonel Roome, of the Thirty-seventh, being senior officer, took the right, and Colonel Aspinwall the left. They then advanced on the rebels, and were forcing them back, when the latter opened on the militia with two pieces of artillery; but a section of an independent Philadelphia battery coming up, soon silenced their guns, when they retreated with a loss of thirteen killed and twenty wounded. Major-General Meade, from his headquarters, army of the Potomac, issued the following circular: The Commanding General requests that previous to the engagement soon expected with the enemy, corps and all other commanding officers address their troops, explaining to them the immense issues involved in the struggle. The enemy is now on our soil. The whole country looks anxiously to this army to deliver it from the presence of the foe. Our failure to do so will leave us no such welcome as the swell
b-rooms and gambling-houses are hereby closed until further orders. No citizens or other persons, except the police and officers in the United States service, or soldiers on duty or with passes, are to be allowed in the streets after nine o'clock P. M. --the United States transport boat Zephyr was fired into, at a point six miles below Donaldsonville, La, and two men were wounded.--A fight occurred at Fairfield, Pa., between the Sixth United States cavalry, under Major Samuel H. Starr, and two brigades of rebel cavalry, under Generals Robinson and Jones.--Philadelphia Enquirer. The battle of Gettysburgh was concluded this day. Repulsed at every point, General Lee withdrew in the night, leaving General Meade master of the field.--(Docs. 20 and 118.) Suffolk, Va., was evacuated by the Union troops.--A circular letter was issued from the Treasury Department by Secretary Chase, regulating the disposition of abandoned, captured and confiscable property in the rebel districts.
is plainly acknowledged by every body, that the wishes of the Emperor of the French to find a fitting opportunity for advising the reestablishment of peace in America are not changed, that, on the other hand, her Majesty's Government do not see that that opportunity has arisen. The expedition under General J. G. Blunt reached Cabin Creek, fifty-five miles from Fort Gibson.--Thirty-one battle-flags captured by the National forces at Gettysburgh, were sent to the War Department by Major-General Meade.--(Doc. 92.) The siege of Jackson, Miss., was commenced this day by the Union forces under General Grant. It began by skirmishing on the Clinton road with musketry and. artillery; shells were thrown into the city, and several persons were killed and wounded.--Mobile Advertiser, July 18. An artillery and cavalry battle took place at a point on the road from Boonsboro to Hagerstown, Md., between the Union forces under Generals Buford and Kilpatrick, and the rebels belonging t
that the Yazoo Pass expedition, and the like, could succeed. When you got below and took Port Gibson, Grand Gulf, and vicinity, I thought you should go down the river and join General Banks; and when you turned northward, east of the Big Black, I thought it was a mistake. I now wish to make the personal acknowledgment that you was right and I was wrong. The funeral of Brigadier-General Samuel K. Zook, who was killed at the battle of Gettysburgh, took place at New York City.--General George G. Meade issued a proclamation in reference to depredations committed by citizens, or rebel soldiers in disguise, and announced the punishment therefor.--A riot was threatened in Newark, N. J.--D. H. Hill, the rebel Major-General, was appointed Lieutenant-General, and assigned to command by Jefferson Davis.--Williamston, on the Roanoke River, was bombarded by four National gunboats under Captain Flusser, the bridge across Gardner's Creek destroyed, and the rebels driven entirely from the riv
ication, demanded its surrender, together with the rebel forts on Morris Island, threatening to shell Charleston, should his demand not be complied with.--(See Supplement.) The United States ship Bainbridge foundered in a storm off Cape Hatteras, and seventy-nine of the crew were lost. Chattanooga was shelled by the National forces under Colonel Wilder. The cannonade commenced at ten o'clock in the morning, and continued at intervals until five o'clock in the afternoon. Every piece from which the rebels opened was eventually silenced, although they fired with not less than nineteen guns. The only casualty on the Union side was the wounding of one man, Corporal Abram McCook, belonging to Lilly's battery.--General Meade issued an order regulating the circulation of newspapers in the army of the Potomac.--the rebel steamer Everglade, while endeavoring to run out of Savannah River, was overhauled and sunk near Tybee Island. Twenty-two of her passengers and crew were captured.
any G, killed; private John Otto, company F, wounded; private John Schmits, company A, wounded, and three privates missing. Never did men charge more gallantly, or behave better than did these sqadrons. They met more than double their number, and twice drove them back and held the field. Lieutenant Bankard, company A, distinguished himself by his cool and gallant conduct. The following circular was issued this day from the headquarters of the army of the Potomac, by command of Major-General Meade: I. Newspaper correspondents will be admonished to hold no communication with prisoners of war, whether on their way to headquarters or Zzz temporarily detained in the custody of any guard, or to seek any information from guides, scouts, or refugees, coming from beyond the lines. II. No newspaper correspondent or civilian, not connected with the army, will be permitted to accompany or remain with cavalry serving in the front, or on the flank of the army. The cavalry adv
November 8. The blockade-running steamers Cornubia and Robert E. Lee, with very valuable cargoes, were captured off the New Inlet, North-Carolina. Major-General Meade, from his headquarters near Rappahannock Station, Virginia, made the following report to the General-in-Chief: This morning, on advancing from Kelly's Ford, it was found that the enemy had retired during the night. The morning was so smoky that it was impossible to ascertain at Rappahannock Station the position of the enemy, and it was not till the arrival of the column from Kelly's Ford that it was definitely known the position at Rappahannock Station was evacuated. The army was put in motion, and the pursuit continued by the infantry to Brandy Station, and by the cavalry beyond. Major-General Sedgwick reports officially the capture of six guns, eight battle-flags, and over one thousand five hundred prisoners. Major-General French took over four hundred prisoners. General Sedgwick's loss was about thr
wqua. Colonel Upton, who commanded the brigade which last Saturday successfully charged and captured the rebels' works at Rappahannock Station, accompanied by deputations from each of the regiments participating in the assault, presented General Meade with the eight battle-flags taken at that time. Colonel Upton presented the flags in behalf of his command, naming the regiments — the Fifth and Sixth Maine, the Fifth Wisconsin, and the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York--the latter, Colonel Upton's own. General Meade responded as follows: Colonel Upton, officers and men of the Sixth corps: I receive with great satisfaction the battle-flags, evidences of the good conduct and gallantry you displayed on the seventh instant. The assault of the enemy's position at Rappahannock Station, intrenched by redoubts and rifle-pits, defended by artillery and infantry, carried as it was at the point of the bayonet, was work which could only be executed by the best of soldiers, and in