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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.
Found 13 total hits in 8 results.
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
Frederick, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
Doc (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
Robert E. Lee (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated t me.
Let each heart grow strong in the remembrance of our glorious past, and in the thought of the inestimable blessings for which we contend; and, invoking the assistance of that benign Power which has signally blessed our former efforts, let us go forth in confidence to secure the peace and safety of. our country.
Soldiers, your old enemy is before you. Win from him honor worthy of your right cause, worthy of your comrades dead on so many illustrious fields. R. E. Lee. General Commanding.
R. E. Lee (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
B. J. Kilpatrick (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
July 12th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names
July 11th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 110
108.-Gen. Lee's address to his army.
Frederick, July 12, 1863.
The following general order of General R. E. Lee to the rebel army, issued from Hagerstown, on Saturday, was found when General Kilpatrick entered the town on Sunday morning:
General orders, no. 16.
headquarters army of Northern Virginia, July 11, 1863.
After the long and trying marches, endured with the fortitude that has ever characterized the soldiers of the army of Northern Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of our enemies, and recalled to the defence of their own soil those who were engaged in the invasion of ours.
You have fought a fierce and sanguinary battle, which, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your efforts, was marked by the same heroic spirit that has commanded the respect of your enemies, the gratitude of your country, and the admiration of mankind.
Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy from whom you have torn so many fields, the names