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to denounce as unworthy of public favor. It is, as the author, Mr. Fleming, admits, a revised edition of Webster's Spelling-Book — in otheris the duty of the Southern press to unite in putting it down. Mr Fleming tells us in his preface that no better spelling-book than Dr. Webon of every cultivated Southern gentleman, and this orthography, Mr. Fleming tells us, he has invariably retained. Centre he spells center, h of itself to damn the book and drive it out of circulation. Mr. Fleming says further, that in very few instances Webster's pronunciationin these instances is a New-England provincialism. Here, again, Mr. Fleming displays gross ignorance. To this day, the flat, or, as we shoue extremely to speak harshly of literary labor of any kind. But Mr. Fleming has labored very little in reproducing this bit of Yankee clap-tevents, we must not be duped with a Yankee spellingbook, such as Mr. Fleming and Messrs. Toon and Co. are attempting to palm upon us.--Richmo